We're aiming to get most of the substantive material up by June 1.
, the dependency manager we're using, by following the instructions here. -
poetry shell
to activate the virtual environment (see the poetry docs for more info) -
Once you have done
poetry shell
, install dependencies withpoetry install --no-root
. -
To publish the site: After making whatever changes you want to make, you can get it to show up on the GH pages site by pushing to
/ making a PR and merging it in. For substantive docs, you are encouraged to tag at least one of the rest for 'code' review.
To see what it'll look like, locally: Build the docs site with mkdocs build
; serve it (with live-reloading) via mkdocs serve
I recommend using this extension for Markdown linting.
Using pre-commit
locally is usually faster than waiting for the GH workflow.
If you are on a mac:
brew install pre-commit
# navigate to this repo
cd internal_docs
# install the git hook scripts. pre-commit will now run on every commit.
pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate # bring the hooks to the latest tag on the default branch
Every time you clone a project using pre-commit, running
pre-commit install
should always be the first thing you do.
See docs at https://pre-commit.com/ for more info.
pre-commit run --all-files
Yongming noticed that parts of the site weren't rendering properly because the markdown was not valid. Using precommit and markdown linting should help with that.
See https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material and https://www.mkdocs.org/.