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Use the ReaderT to avoid threading depth everywhere
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anka-213 committed Oct 18, 2021
1 parent 2c0ca93 commit 618b300
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 66 deletions.
137 changes: 74 additions & 63 deletions mengwong/mp/src/Lib.hs
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Lib where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import Debug.Trace

import Types
import Error
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(runReaderT), asks)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(runReaderT), asks, MonadReader (local))

-- our task: to parse an input CSV into a collection of Rules.
-- example "real-world" input can be found at
Expand All @@ -55,15 +56,16 @@ whenDebug act = do
isDebug <- asks debug
when isDebug act

myTraceM :: String -> Parser ()
myTraceM x = whenDebug (traceM x)

debugPrint :: Int -> String -> ReaderT RunConfig (Parsec Void MyStream) ()

debugPrint depth str = whenDebug $ do
debugPrint :: String -> Parser ()
debugPrint str = whenDebug $ do
lookingAt <- lookAhead (getToken :: Parser MyToken)
myTraceM $ indent <> str <> " running. depth=" <> show depth <> "; looking at: " <> show lookingAt
depth <- asks callDepth
myTraceM $ indent depth <> str <> " running. depth=" <> show depth <> "; looking at: " <> show lookingAt
indent = replicate depth ' '
indent depth = replicate depth ' '

runExample :: RunConfig -> ByteString -> IO ()
runExample rc str = forM_ (exampleStreams str) $ \stream ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,14 +288,18 @@ stanzaAsStream s rs = do

-- the goal is tof return a list of Rule, which an be either regulative or constitutive:
pRule :: Parser [Rule]
pRule = do
pRule = withDepth 1 $ do
try (pRegRule 1 <?> "regulative rule")
<|> (pConstitutiveRule 1 <?> "constitutive rule")
try (pRegRule <?> "regulative rule")
<|> (pConstitutiveRule <?> "constitutive rule")

withDepth :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser a
withDepth n = local (\st -> st {callDepth= n})

pConstitutiveRule :: Depth -> Parser [Rule]
pConstitutiveRule depth = do
debugPrint depth "pConstitutiveRule"
pConstitutiveRule :: Parser [Rule]
pConstitutiveRule = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pConstitutiveRule"
initialLocation <- lookAhead pXLocation
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: initial location = " ++ show initialLocation
term <- (dnl *> pOtherVal <* dnl) <?> "defined term"
Expand All @@ -304,22 +310,22 @@ pConstitutiveRule depth = do
defWord <- (pToken Means <|> pToken Is) <* dnl
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: matched defWord " ++ show defWord
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: \"" ++ Text.unpack term ++ "\" " ++ show defWord ++ "..."
(ands,rs) <- dBoolRules leftX -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
(ands,rs) <- withDepth leftX dBoolRules -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
let toreturn = Constitutive term ands : rs
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

pRegRule depth = try (pRegRuleSugary depth) <|> pRegRuleNormal depth
pRegRule = try pRegRuleSugary <|> pRegRuleNormal

-- "You MAY" has no explicit PARTY or EVERY keyword
pRegRuleSugary :: Depth -> Parser [Rule]
pRegRuleSugary depth = do
debugPrint depth "pRegRuleSugary"
pRegRuleSugary :: Parser [Rule]
pRegRuleSugary = do
debugPrint "pRegRuleSugary"
entitytype <- pOtherVal <* dnl
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
deontic <- pDeontic <* dnl
temporal <- optional pTemporal
rulebody <- permutations depth
rulebody <- permutations
let (who, (ands, brs)) = mergePBRS (if null (rbpbrs rulebody) then [(Always, (Nothing, []))] else rbpbrs rulebody)
toreturn = Regulative
Expand All @@ -338,16 +344,17 @@ pRegRuleSugary depth = do
-- BEFORE midnight
-- IF a potato is available

pRegRuleNormal :: Depth -> Parser [Rule]
pRegRuleNormal depth = do
debugPrint depth "pRegRuleNormal"
pRegRuleNormal :: Parser [Rule]
pRegRuleNormal = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pRegRuleNormal"
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
guard $ leftX >= depth
(party_every, entitytype) <- pActor Party <|> pActor Every
-- (Who, (BoolStruct,[Rule]))
whoBool <- optional (preambleBoolRules leftX) <* dnl
whoBool <- optional (withDepth leftX preambleBoolRules) <* dnl
-- the below are going to be permutables
rulebody <- permutations depth
rulebody <- permutations
-- deontic <- pDeontic <* dnl
-- temporal <- optional pTemporal
-- action <- pAction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,8 +394,8 @@ pActor party = do
entitytype <- pToken party *> many pEmpty *> pOtherVal <* dnl
return (party, entitytype)

pAction :: Depth -> Parser ActionType
pAction depth = do
pAction :: Parser ActionType
pAction = do
action <- pToken Do *> many pEmpty *> pOtherVal <* dnl
params <- many (pOtherVal <* dnl) -- it'd be nice to have newline detection
return (action, list2tuples params)
Expand All @@ -409,11 +416,11 @@ data RuleBody = RuleBody { rbpbrs :: [(Preamble, BoolRules)] -- not subject
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Generically RuleBody

permutations :: Depth -> Parser RuleBody
permutations depth = do
permutations :: Parser RuleBody
permutations = do
toreturn <- permute ((\a b c d -> mconcat [a,b,c,d])
<$$> ( (\a -> RuleBody [] [a] [] []) <$> pAction depth )
<||> ( (\a -> RuleBody a [] [] []) <$> many (preambleBoolRules depth) <* dnl ) -- WHO xxx, IF yyy
<$$> ( (\a -> RuleBody [] [a] [] []) <$> pAction )
<||> ( (\a -> RuleBody a [] [] []) <$> many preambleBoolRules <* dnl ) -- WHO xxx, IF yyy
<||> ( (\a -> RuleBody [] [] [a] []) <$> pDeontic )
<|?> ( mempty, (\a -> RuleBody [] [] [] [a]) <$> pTemporal )
Expand All @@ -428,15 +435,16 @@ newPre t (AA.All (AA.PrePost p pp) x) = AA.All (AA.PrePost t pp) x
newPre t (AA.Any (AA.Pre p) x) = AA.Any (AA.Pre t ) x
newPre t (AA.Any (AA.PrePost p pp) x) = AA.Any (AA.PrePost t pp) x

preambleBoolRules :: Depth -> Parser (Preamble, BoolRules)
preambleBoolRules depth = do
preambleBoolRules :: Parser (Preamble, BoolRules)
preambleBoolRules = do
depth <- asks callDepth
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: x location is " ++ show leftX)
guard $ leftX >= depth
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: passed guard! depth is " ++ show depth)
condWord <- (pToken Who <|> pToken When <|> pToken If) <* dnl
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: found condWord: " ++ show condWord)
(ands,rs) <- dBoolRules leftX -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
(ands,rs) <- withDepth leftX dBoolRules -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
-- let bs = if subForest ands) == 1 -- upgrade the single OR child of the AND group to the top level
-- then newPre (Text.pack $ show condWord) (head ands)
-- else AA.All (AA.Pre (Text.pack $ show condWord)) ands -- return the AND group
Expand All @@ -445,53 +453,55 @@ preambleBoolRules depth = do
myTraceM $ "preambleBoolRules: returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

dBoolRules :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
dBoolRules depth = do
debugPrint depth "dBoolRules"
ands <- pAndGroup depth -- walks AND eats OR drinks
dBoolRules :: Parser BoolRules
dBoolRules = do
debugPrint "dBoolRules"
ands <- pAndGroup -- walks AND eats OR drinks
myTraceM $ "dBoolRules: returning ands: " ++ show ands
return ands

pAndGroup :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
pAndGroup depth = do
debugPrint depth "pAndGroup"
pAndGroup :: Parser BoolRules
pAndGroup = do
debugPrint "pAndGroup"
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- we are positioned at the OtherVal
orGroup1 <- pOrGroup depth <* dnl
orGroupN <- many $ dToken depth And *> many pEmpty *> pOrGroup depth <* dnl
orGroup1 <- pOrGroup <* dnl
orGroupN <- many $ dToken And *> many pEmpty *> pOrGroup <* dnl
let toreturn = if null orGroupN
then orGroup1
else ( Just (AA.All (AA.Pre "all of:") (catMaybes $ fst <$> (orGroup1 : orGroupN)))
, concatMap snd (orGroup1 : orGroupN) )
myTraceM $ "pAndGroup: returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

pOrGroup :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
pOrGroup depth = do
debugPrint depth "pOrGroup"
elem1 <- pElement (depth + 1) <* dnl
elems <- many $ dToken depth Or *> many pEmpty *> pElement (depth+1) <* dnl
pOrGroup :: Parser BoolRules
pOrGroup = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pOrGroup"
elem1 <- withDepth (depth + 1) pElement <* dnl
elems <- many $ dToken Or *> many pEmpty *> withDepth (depth+1) pElement <* dnl
let toreturn = if null elems
then elem1
else ( Just (AA.Any (AA.Pre "any of:") (catMaybes $ fst <$> (elem1 : elems)))
, concatMap snd (elem1 : elems) )
myTraceM $ "pOrGroup: returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

pElement :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
pElement depth = do
debugPrint depth "pElement"
pElement :: Parser BoolRules
pElement = do
debugPrint "pElement"
-- think about importing Control.Applicative.Combinators so we get the `try` for free
try (pNestedBool depth)
<|> try (constitutiveAsElement <$> pConstitutiveRule depth)
<|> try (pLeafVal depth)
try pNestedBool
<|> try (constitutiveAsElement <$> pConstitutiveRule)
<|> try pLeafVal

constitutiveAsElement :: [Rule] -> BoolRules
constitutiveAsElement (cr:rs) = (Just (AA.Leaf (term cr)), cr:rs)
constitutiveAsElement [] = error "constitutiveAsElement: cannot convert an empty list of rules to a BoolRules structure!"

pLeafVal :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
pLeafVal depth = do
debugPrint depth "pLeafVal"
pLeafVal :: Parser BoolRules
pLeafVal = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pLeafVal"
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation
guard $ currentX >= depth
leafVal <- pOtherVal <* dnl
Expand All @@ -500,22 +510,23 @@ pLeafVal depth = do

-- should be possible to merge pLeafVal with pNestedBool.

pNestedBool :: Depth -> Parser BoolRules
pNestedBool depth = do
debugPrint depth "pNestedBool"
pNestedBool :: Parser BoolRules
pNestedBool = do
debugPrint "pNestedBool"
-- "foo AND bar" is a nestedBool; but just "foo" is a leafval.
foundBool <- lookAhead (pLeafVal depth >> pBoolConnector depth)
foundBool <- lookAhead (pLeafVal >> pBoolConnector)
myTraceM $ "pNestedBool matched " ++ show foundBool
toreturn <- dBoolRules depth
toreturn <- dBoolRules
myTraceM $ "pNestedBool returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

pBoolConnector depth = do
debugPrint depth "pBoolConnector"
pBoolConnector = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pBoolConnector"
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation
guard $ currentX >= depth
andor <- (pToken And <|> pToken Or <|> pToken Unless) <* dnl
myTraceM $ "pBoolConnector returning " ++ (show andor)
myTraceM $ "pBoolConnector returning " ++ show andor
return andor

-- helper functions for parsing
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions mengwong/mp/src/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Void (Void)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import qualified AnyAll as AA
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks)

type RawStanza = V.Vector (V.Vector Text.Text) -- "did I stammer?"
type Parser = ReaderT RunConfig (Parsec Void MyStream)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,8 +216,9 @@ liftMyToken = WithPos pos pos 0
pToken :: MyToken -> Parser MyToken
pToken c = pTokenMatch (== c) c

dToken :: Depth -> MyToken -> Parser MyToken
dToken d c = do
dToken :: MyToken -> Parser MyToken
dToken c = do
d <- asks callDepth
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation
guard $ currentX >= d
pTokenMatch (== c) c
Expand Down

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