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Extract depth checks to common function
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anka-213 committed Oct 18, 2021
1 parent 5539fde commit 8d9bedd
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 22 deletions.
46 changes: 24 additions & 22 deletions mengwong/mp/src/Lib.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Csv as Cassava
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Generic.Data (Generic, Generically(..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Vector ((!), (!?))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Text.Pretty.Simple (pPrint)
import Control.Monad (guard, when)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad (guard, when, forM_)
import qualified AnyAll as AA
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes as Box
import Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes hiding ((<>))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,6 +65,18 @@ debugPrint str = whenDebug $ do
indent depth = replicate depth ' '

-- | withDepth n p sets the depth to n for parser p
withDepth :: Depth -> Parser a -> Parser a
withDepth n = local (\st -> st {callDepth= n})

-- | check that the next token is at at least the current level of indentation
checkDepth :: Parser ()
checkDepth = do
depth <- asks callDepth
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
guard $ leftX >= depth

runExample :: RunConfig -> ByteString -> IO ()
runExample rc str = forM_ (exampleStreams str) $ \stream ->
case runParser (runReaderT (pRule <* eof) rc) "dummy" stream of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +214,7 @@ toEOL :: Location -> [Location]
toEOL loc = [ move loc E n | n <- [ 1 .. lineRemaining loc ] ]

currentLine :: Location -> [Text.Text]
currentLine loc = getCurrentCell <$> (toEOL $ lineStart loc)
currentLine loc = getCurrentCell <$> toEOL (lineStart loc)

lineStart :: Location -> Location
lineStart loc = loc { cursor = (0, curY loc) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,21 +303,17 @@ pRule = withDepth 1 $ do
try (pRegRule <?> "regulative rule")
<|> (pConstitutiveRule <?> "constitutive rule")

withDepth :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser a
withDepth n = local (\st -> st {callDepth= n})

pConstitutiveRule :: Parser [Rule]
pConstitutiveRule = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pConstitutiveRule"
initialLocation <- lookAhead pXLocation
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: initial location = " ++ show initialLocation
term <- (pOtherVal <* dnl) <?> "defined term"

leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
guard $ leftX >= depth

defWord <- (pToken Means <|> pToken Is)
defWord <- pToken Means <|> pToken Is
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: matched defWord " ++ show defWord
myTraceM $ "pConstitutiveRule: \"" ++ Text.unpack term ++ "\" " ++ show defWord ++ "..."
(ands,rs) <- withDepth leftX dBoolRules -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,10 +353,9 @@ pRegRuleSugary = do

pRegRuleNormal :: Parser [Rule]
pRegRuleNormal = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pRegRuleNormal"
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
guard $ leftX >= depth
(party_every, entitytype) <- pActor Party <|> pActor Every
-- (Who, (BoolStruct,[Rule]))
whoBool <- optional (withDepth leftX preambleBoolRules)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,12 +446,12 @@ newPre t (AA.Any (AA.PrePost p pp) x) = AA.Any (AA.PrePost t pp) x

preambleBoolRules :: Parser (Preamble, BoolRules)
preambleBoolRules = do
depth <- asks callDepth
leftX <- lookAhead pXLocation -- this is the column where we expect IF/AND/OR etc.
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: x location is " ++ show leftX)
guard $ leftX >= depth
depth <- asks callDepth
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: passed guard! depth is " ++ show depth)
condWord <- (pToken Who <|> pToken When <|> pToken If)
condWord <- pToken Who <|> pToken When <|> pToken If
myTraceM ("preambleBoolRules: found condWord: " ++ show condWord)
(ands,rs) <- withDepth leftX dBoolRules -- (foo AND (bar OR baz), [constitutive and regulative sub-rules])
-- let bs = if subForest ands) == 1 -- upgrade the single OR child of the AND group to the top level
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,10 +509,8 @@ constitutiveAsElement [] = error "constitutiveAsElement: cannot convert an empty

pLeafVal :: Parser BoolRules
pLeafVal = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pLeafVal"
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation
guard $ currentX >= depth
leafVal <- pOtherVal <* dnl
myTraceM $ "pLeafVal returning " ++ Text.unpack leafVal
return (Just (AA.Leaf leafVal), [])
Expand All @@ -524,12 +527,11 @@ pNestedBool = do
myTraceM $ "pNestedBool returning " ++ show toreturn
return toreturn

pBoolConnector :: Parser MyToken
pBoolConnector = do
depth <- asks callDepth
debugPrint "pBoolConnector"
currentX <- lookAhead pXLocation
guard $ currentX >= depth
andor <- (pToken And <|> pToken Or <|> pToken Unless)
andor <- pToken And <|> pToken Or <|> pToken Unless
myTraceM $ "pBoolConnector returning " ++ show andor
return andor

Expand Down

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