- The completed scripts are under Completed_Scripts Directory.
- The raw data is under Data directory.
- The picked ratings matrix, i.e. ratings_matrix.py is inside the Completed_Scripts.
- These are the scripts corresponding to the techniques
Dataset: From MovieLens, with ratings from 6000 users for 4000 movies. Results: Can be found in Design Document. Refer to it.
collaborative_new.py - Collaborative Filtering collaborative_baseline.py - Collaborative Filtering with baseline approach main.py - COnvert raw data into ratings_matrix.pkl SVD.py - SVD Reconstruction with all energy, and 90% energy SVD_collab.py - SVD + Collaborative filtering cur.py - CUR with total energy c90.py - CUR with 90% energy
To execute any python script, just fire up the terminal and execute python script_name
Dependencies = numpy, time, pickle, random, math,