API server to interact with OCI via Terraform and OCI SDK
The server is providing rest API leveraging the following pyhton modules
- Flask --> microframework
- Flask-RESTPlus --> Flask extension to build REST API
- python-terraform (0.9.1) --> providea a wrapper of
command line tool - oci (1.3.14)
This project is currently in Beta. You will use at your own risk
The preferred way to run the server is emebded in a Container (see here)
To run it outside a container Python3 is required.
- Setup a virtualenv and install the dependencies.
$ git clone https://github.com/snafuz/oci-api-server.git
$ cd oci-api-server
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv-oci-api-server
$ . venvoci-api-server/bin/activate
(venv-oci-api-server) $ pip install -r pip_packages.txt
- Setup OCI SDK environment (OCI SDK and Tool Configuration)
Prepare the configuration file:
$ cp data/template_config.json data/config.json
Setup log level
"level":"set logging level options: DEBUG(default)|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL"
Edit config.json according to your environment
"oci" :{
"compartment" :"(OPTIONAL) compartment name or OCID: default value from ~/.oci/config",
"profile" : "(OPTIONAL) select a specific configuration in ~/.oci/config",
"default_values" : { }
"tf_path":"path to terraform files"
Run the server
$ . venvoci-api-server/bin/activate
(venv-oci-api-server) $ python oci-api-server.py config.json
#API Server running on http://localhost:5000/
The server will run terraform init on the provided directory at startup
shows an execution plan summary
$ curl http://localhost:5000/plan
"plan": [
"add oci_core_internet_gateway.internetgateway1",
"add oci_core_virtual_network.vcn1"
builds or changes infrastructure according to Terraform configuration in the working directory
NOTE: this will apply the configuration without asking for confirmation
$ curl http://localhost:5000/apply
"apply": "Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed."
destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure.
NOTE: this will destroy all without asking for confirmation
$ curl http://localhost:5000/destroy
"destroy": "Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed."
Scale up/down an existing instance. Currently the instance is identified by compartment name + instance name. If multiple instances with the same name exist the action will fail
API: action/scale/compartment_name/instance_name/new_shape
$ curl http://localhost:5001/action/scale/am-lab/instance20180214072455/VM.Standard1.1
"instance_ocid": "ocid1.instance.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.abtheljraljk5mq7lf3fpsff4k7zcjgtyuvrlkch7ozzqf4b7fx2vafjaueq"