This is a top2 winning solution for this adversarial competition
For more details about the competition and solution please also be sure to see
- Our MCS18 presentation
- Top-3 winners' presentation
- Compeition page
Solution authors:
Further reading
To build the docker image from the Dockerfile located in dockerfile
please do:
cd dockerfile
docker build -t face_attack_docker .
Also please make sure that nvidia-docker2 and proper nvidia drivers are installed.
To test the installation run
docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi
Then launch the container as follows:
docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -it -v /your/folder/:/home/keras/notebook/your_folder -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --name face_attack --shm-size 16G face_attack_docker
Please note that w/o --shm-size 16G
PyTorch dataloader classes will not work.
The above command will start a container with a Jupyter notebook server available via port 8888
Port 6006
is for tensorboard, if necessary.
Then you can exec into the container like this. All the scripts were run as root, but they must also work under user keras
docker exec -it --user root 46b9bd3fa3f8 /bin/bash
docker exec -it --user keras 46b9bd3fa3f8 /bin/bash
To find out the container ID run
docker container ls
Download this version of the black box into the folder Backup link for the source file
This is the version for
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Python 3.5
- CUDA 9.0 These versions are in the above Dockerfile
I archived a copy of the prepared datasets here - backup. Download each file separately to the /data folder and make sure that file names follow the below convention. Also you will have to unpack the zip files with images to the corresponding folders.
The following files are required
- 1000 5+5 source-target combinationsdata/img_list_1M.csv
- list with 1M imagesdata/img_descriptors_1M.npy
- numpy array with 1M descriptorsdata/student_model_imgs
- a folder with 1M images (you will have to unzip it)data/imgs
- a folder with original attack images (you will have to unzip it)
The following pre-trained model files are to be located in the followind folders (if you do not want to train them)
To download the pre-trained weights you can use the following links:
As an alternative means of downloading data you may visit competition page.
Run attack scripts using the above pre-trained weights, or proceed to training sections
First attack using Fast Gradient Value Method
python --root ./data/imgs/ --save_root ./dual_net_new/ --datalist ./data/pairs_list.csv --start_from 0 --attack_type IFGM \
--model_name resnet34 ResNet50 Xception resnet18 densenet161 \
--checkpoint \
student_net_learning/checkpoint/resnet34_scale_fold0_best.pth.tar \
student_net_learning/checkpoint/ResNet50/best_model_chkpt-resnet50.t7 \
student_net_learning/checkpoint/Xception/best_model_chkpt-xception.t7 \
student_net_learning/checkpoint/resnet18_scale_fold0_best.pth.tar \
student_net_learning/checkpoint/densenet161_1e4_scale_fold0_best.pth.tar --cuda
Please note that full inference may take 30+ hours, therefore the easiest way to speed up the script is to run it in several threads using --start_from 0
Then run one instance on one-pixel attack
python --root ./dual_net_new --save_root ./dual_net_new_op/ \
--datalist ./data/pairs_list.csv --cuda --start_from 0 --attack_mode continue --attack_type OnePixel
Then run one more instance of one pixel attack
python --root ./dual_net_new_op --save_root ./dual_net_new_op_5/ \
--datalist ./data/pairs_list.csv --cuda --start_from 0 --attack_mode continue --attack_type OnePixel --iter 5
Then run one more instance of one pixel attack
python --root ./dual_net_new_op_5 --save_root ./dual_net_new_op_15/ \
--datalist ./data/pairs_list.csv --cuda --start_from 0 --attack_mode continue --attack_type OnePixel --iter 10
Then run one more instance of one pixel attack
python --root ./dual_net_new_op_15 --save_root ./FINAL_FINAL/ \
--datalist ./data/pairs_list.csv --cuda --start_from 0 --attack_mode continue --attack_type OnePixel-last-hope --iter 5
Then run evaluation script
python --attack_root ./FINAL_FINAL/ --target_dscr ./data/val_descriptors.npy --submit_name final_final --gpu_id 0
First cd av_cnns
Then make sure that the following files and folders are available via the following relative paths
- list with 1M images../data/img_descriptors_1M.npy
- numpy array with 1M descriptors../data/student_model_imgs
- a folder with 1M images
Then copy the following scripts one by one to a
file and run sh
To view TensorBoard logs you need to enable TensorBoard via
tensorboard --logdir='path/to/av_cnns/tb_logs' --port=6006
The weights will be saved to weights/
Alternatively you can run all the scripts as one file
python3 \
--arch densenet161 --lognumber densenet161_1e4_scale \
--epochs 25 --start-epoch 0 \
--batch-size 256 --workers 10 \
--val_size 0.1 --do_augs False \
--lr 1e-4 --ths 1e-2 \
--m1 5 --m2 15 \
--optimizer adam --print-freq 10 \
--tensorboard True \
python3 \
--arch resnet18 --lognumber resnet18_scale \
--epochs 25 --start-epoch 0 \
--batch-size 512 --workers 10 \
--val_size 0.1 --do_augs False \
--lr 1e-3 --ths 1e-2 \
--m1 5 --m2 15 \
--optimizer adam --print-freq 10 \
--tensorboard True \
python3 \
--arch resnet34 --lognumber resnet34_scale \
--epochs 25 --start-epoch 0 \
--batch-size 512 --workers 10 \
--val_size 0.1 --do_augs False \
--lr 1e-3 --ths 1e-2 \
--m1 5 --m2 15 \
--optimizer adam --print-freq 10 \
--tensorboard True \
To download the pre-trained weights you can use the following links:
Also you can add a -resume
flag to start from a checkpoint:
python3 \
--arch resnet18 --lognumber resnet18_scale \
--epochs 30 --start-epoch 0 \
--batch-size 512 --workers 10 \
--val_size 0.1 --do_augs False \
--lr 1e-3 --ths 1e-2 \
--m1 5 --m2 15 \
--optimizer adam --print-freq 10 \
--tensorboard True \
--resume weights/your_weights.pth.tar
With the above setting on 2x1080Ti training takes:
- 2 hours for ResNet18
- 3 hours for ResNet34
- 11 hours for DenseNet169
Provided original scripts log w/o alterations The require code from the original repository
xception redesign
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 6 --down_epoch 2 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.001 --finetune --criterion HUBER --resume --max_train_imgs 100000
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 3 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --finetune --ignore_prev_run --resume --max_train_imgs 100000
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 2 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume --max_train_imgs 100000
(accidentely 3 epochs with frozen layers...)
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 3 --down_epoch 2 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --finetune --ignore_prev_run --resume --max_train_imgs 100000
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 1 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume --max_train_imgs 100000
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 1 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 64 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume --max_train_imgs 500000
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 2 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 3 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0005 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name Xception --model_name Xception --epochs 2 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.000005 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 3 --down_epoch 1 --cuda --batch_size 16 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.005 --max_train_imgs 10000
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 3 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 1 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.0001 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 1 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.00003 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 1 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.00001 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 1 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.000003 --ignore_prev_run --resume
python --name ResNet50 --model_name ResNet50 --epochs 1 --down_epoch 4 --cuda --batch_size 32 --datalist ../data/data_list/ --root C:/ --lr 0.000001 --ignore_prev_run --resume
The thing is, in this task an end-to-end model did not really work on the black-box, but performed well on white-box. The same can be said for for CW attacks (see papers below on details).
The idea here was the following:
- Have 2 losses - L2 norm and SSIM
- Train and end-to-end model - from 1+5 images to noise
- Try siamese LinkNet as baseline architecture
- Use a frozen instance of Student model for loss calculation
If you would like to play with this idea
- first
cd av_cnns
- then can launch training with this command:
python3 \
--lognumber resnet18_attacker_to_img_bb --tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True \
--workers 4 --print-freq 1 \
--epochs 100 --start-epoch 0 --fold_num 0 \
--batch-size 20 --val_size 0.25 \
--do_augs False --do_shuffle True \
--is_deconv True \
--noise_multiplier 0.1 \
--use_running_mean True \
--lr 1e-2 --m1 20 --m2 40 \