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Releases: snakeying/GPT-Telegram-Bot


24 Sep 23:10
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🚀 重要更新和改进

  1. 超长消息自动分段发送
    -实现了 Telegram 超长消息的自动分段发送,彻底解决消息长度限制导致的内容截断问题 📝
  2. Bug 修复🐛
    • 修复了多个bug
    • 优化了系统运行效率

🚀 Major Updates and Improvements

  1. Automatic Segmentation and Sending of Long Messages
    -Implemented automatic segmentation and sending of long messages in Telegram, completely solving the problem of content truncation due to message length limits 📝
    -Ensures that all messages are delivered to users in their entirety, enhancing user experience
  2. Bug Fixes🐛
    • Fixed multiple bugs
    • Optimized system operational efficiency


24 Sep 21:40
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🚀 重要更新和改进

1. 增强 Markdown 解析容错能力

  • 实现了消息发送的降级机制,当 Markdown 解析失败时自动切换至纯文本格式 🛠️
  • 确保用户始终能收到消息,即使在复杂格式无法正确显示的情况下

2. 改进流式输出体验

  • 优化了流式响应的更新逻辑,提供更平滑的实时输出体验 🌊
  • 平衡了更新频率,在保持良好实时性的同时,有效减少了错误的发生

3. 代码结构优化

  • 重构了消息处理逻辑,提高了代码的可维护性和效率
  • 统一了不同 API(如 Groq 和 Gemini)的错误处理方式,增强了系统稳定性 🏗️

4. 用户体验提升

  • 即使在遇到格式问题时,也能保证信息的连贯性和可读性
  • 流式输出的改进为用户提供了更流畅的对话体验 👥

5. Bug 修复

  • 修复了在某些情况下可能导致消息丢失的问题 🐛
  • 解决了长消息可能被截断的 bug,确保完整的响应内容能够正确传递给用户

Major Updates and Improvements

1. Enhanced Markdown Parsing Resilience

  • Implemented a fallback mechanism for message sending, automatically switching to plain text format when Markdown parsing fails 🛠️
  • Ensures users always receive messages, even when complex formatting cannot be correctly displayed

2. Improved Streaming Output Experience

  • Optimized the update logic for streaming responses, providing a smoother real-time output experience 🌊
  • Balanced update frequency to maintain good real-time performance while effectively reducing errors

3. Code Structure Optimization

  • Refactored message handling logic, improving code maintainability and efficiency
  • Unified error handling across different APIs (such as Groq and Gemini), enhancing system stability 🏗️

4. User Experience Enhancements

  • Guaranteed information coherence and readability even when encountering formatting issues
  • Improvements in streaming output provide users with a more fluid conversation experience 👥

5. Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could potentially lead to message loss in certain scenarios 🐛
  • Resolved a bug where long messages might be truncated, ensuring complete response content is correctly delivered to users interaction experience.


24 Sep 17:06
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对 Telegram Bot 的模型选择功能进行了优化,旨在提供更准确和一致的用户体验。

  1. 修复历史记录摘要生成问题:
    • 修复了 /history 命令在使用非 OpenAI 模型时的摘要生成问题 🔧。
    • 现在,历史记录摘要将始终使用用户当前选择的模型生成,确保一致性。
  2. 优化代码结构:
    • 确保了所有 API 调用函数的正确导入和使用。
  3. Bug 修复:
    • 解决了可能导致模型选择不一致的问题,提高了 Bot 的可靠性 🐞。

Optimized the model selection feature of our Telegram Bot to provide a more accurate and consistent user experience.

  1. Fixed History Summary Generation Issue:
    • Resolved the issue with the /history command when using non-OpenAI models 🔧.
    • History summaries are now consistently generated using the user's currently selected model.
  2. Improved Code Structure:
    • Ensured correct import and usage of all API call functions.
  3. Bug Fixes:
    • Addressed issues that could lead to inconsistent model selection, improving the Bot's reliability 🐞.


23 Sep 21:15
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对 Telegram Bot 的功能进行了优化,旨在提升用户体验,使操作更便捷。

  1. 新增对话历史摘要功能:
    • 修改 /history 命令,提供智能对话历史摘要 📚。
    • 使用当前选择的 AI 模型生成简洁而信息丰富的摘要,快速回顾关键信息。
  2. 性能优化:
    • 通过提供摘要而非完整历史,有效降低数据传输量 🚀。
    • 巧妙避开 Telegram 消息长度限制,确保稳定性。
  3. 多语言支持:
    • 对话历史摘要功能已支持多语言 🌍。
    • 所有支持的语言均已更新相关翻译。
  4. Vercel 部署页面更新:
    • 新增 index.html 文件,Vercel 部署后显示成功页面 🎨。
    • 页面包含部署成功确认、下一步指南。
  5. Bug 修复:
    • 修复了一些已知 bug 🐞,提升了 Bot 的稳定性。

Conversation History Summary Feature Launch

Optimized the Telegram Bot's functionality to enhance the user experience and make operations more convenient.

  1. New Conversation History Summary Feature:
    • Introduced the new /history command, providing intelligent conversation history summaries 📚.
    • Generates concise and informative summaries using the currently selected AI model, allowing quick review of key information.
  2. Performance Optimization:
    • Effectively reduced data transfer volume by providing summaries instead of full histories 🚀.
    • Cleverly bypasses Telegram message length limitations, ensuring stability.
  3. Multi-language Support:
    • The conversation history summary feature now supports multiple languages 🌍.
    • Updated relevant translations for all supported languages.
  4. Vercel Deployment Page Update:
    • Added an index.html file, displaying a success page upon Vercel deployment 🎨.
    • The page includes deployment success confirmation, next steps guide.
  5. Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed several known bugs 🐞, improving Bot stability.


17 Sep 17:15
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对 Telegram Bot 的交互方式进行了优化,旨在提升用户体验,使操作更便捷。

  1. 新增「M」菜单按钮:
    • 在创建 Telegram Bot 时,为用户添加了「M」菜单按钮 🕹️。
    • 方便用户快速访问常用功能,提升操作效率。
  2. 「M」菜单按钮多语言支持:
    • 「M」菜单按钮现已支持多语言 🎉。
    • 当您使用 /language 命令设置语言后,菜单会自动适配您选择的语言,提供更友好的用户体验。
  3. Bug 修复:
    • 修复了一些已知 bug 🐞,提升了 Bot 的稳定性。

Optimized the interaction method of the Telegram Bot to enhance the user experience and make operations more convenient.

  1. Added "M" Menu Button:
    • Added an "M" menu button 🕹️ when creating a Telegram Bot.
    • Enables users to quickly access commonly used functions, improving operational efficiency.
  2. "M" Menu Button Multi-language Support:
    • The "M" menu button now supports multiple languages 🎉.
    • When you set the language using the /language command, the menu will automatically adapt to your chosen language, providing a more user-friendly experience.
  3. Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed some known bugs 🐞, improving Bot stability.


16 Sep 19:56
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🔄 对话管理与语言设置优化

  1. 对话记录功能改进:
    • 保留默认最大历史记录为50条
    • 新增时间限制(TTL)机制:
      • 即使未达到50条上限,30天内未使用 /new 命令的对话记录将自动清除
      • 平衡了存储效率和用户便利性
  2. 语言设置优化:
    • 为语言偏好设置添加有效期(TTL)
    • 默认过期时间设为1年
    • 提供长期稳定的语言体验,同时允许定期更新

🔄 Conversation Management and Language Setting Optimization

  1. Dialogue History Feature Improvement:
    • Retained default maximum history of 50 messages
    • Introduced Time-To-Live (TTL) mechanism:
      • Conversation records automatically cleared after 30 days of inactivity (/new command not used), even if below 50 message limit
      • Balances storage efficiency with user convenience
  2. Language Setting Enhancement:
    • Added Time-To-Live (TTL) for language preference settings
    • Default expiration time set to 1 year
    • Provides long-term stable language experience while allowing periodic updates


16 Sep 17:20
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🌍 多语言支持大幅扩展

  1. 新增五种语言支持:
    • 除现有的英语、简体中文和繁体中文外,新增日语、西班牙语、法语、俄语和德语支持
    • 系统现已支持共八种语言
  2. 本地化文件结构优化:
    • locales/ 目录下统一管理所有语言文件
    • 包括 en.json(英语)、zh-cn.json(简体中文)、zh-hant.json(繁体中文)、ja.json(日语)、es.json(西班牙语)、fr.json(法语)、ru.json(俄语)和 de.json(德语)
  3. 语言切换功能增强:
    • 升级 /language 命令,支持在八种语言间自由切换
    • 优化语言选择界面,提供更直观、更便捷的切换体验
  4. 全面本地化:
    • 对所有新增语言进行全面翻译,包括用户界面、系统提示和功能描述
    • 确保每种语言版本都符合其文化特点和语言习惯
  5. 系统兼容性提升:
    • 全面测试所有功能在不同语言环境下的表现
    • 优化多语言切换的性能,确保流畅的用户体验

🌍 Massive Expansion of Multilingual Support

  1. Addition of Five New Languages:
    • Besides existing English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese, added support for Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian, and German
    • System now supports a total of eight languages
  2. Optimized Localization File Structure:
    • All language files now centrally managed in the locales/ directory
    • Includes en.json (English), zh-cn.json (Simplified Chinese), zh-hant.json (Traditional Chinese), ja.json (Japanese), es.json (Spanish), fr.json (French), ru.json (Russian), and de.json (German)
  3. Enhanced Language Switching Feature:
    • Upgraded /language command to support seamless switching between eight languages
    • Optimized language selection interface for a more intuitive and convenient switching experience
  4. Comprehensive Localization:
    • Full translation for all new languages, including user interface, system prompts, and feature descriptions
    • Ensured each language version aligns with its cultural nuances and linguistic habits
  5. Improved System Compatibility:
    • Thoroughly tested all functionalities across different language environments
    • Optimized performance for multilingual switching, ensuring a smooth user experience


16 Sep 16:25
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🌏 语言支持扩展:新增繁体中文

  1. 新增繁体中文支持:
    • 系统现已支持简体中文、繁体中文和英语三种语言
    • 完整翻译所有用户界面元素和系统提示
  2. 语言切换功能增强:
    • 升级 /language 命令,现可在三种语言间自由切换
    • 优化语言选择流程,提供更直观的用户体验
  3. 本地化改进:
    • 针对繁体中文用户优化了特定术语和表达方式
    • 确保繁体中文版本符合地区语言习惯和文化特色
  4. 系统适配:
    • 全面检查并调整系统功能,确保在所有支持的语言中正常运作
    • 优化多语言环境下的性能表现

🌏 Language Support Expansion: Traditional Chinese Added

  1. Addition of Traditional Chinese Support:
    • System now supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English
    • Complete translation of all user interface elements and system prompts
  2. Enhanced Language Switching Feature:
    • Upgraded /language command to allow seamless switching between three languages
    • Optimized language selection process for a more intuitive user experience
  3. Localization Improvements:
    • Optimized specific terms and expressions for Traditional Chinese users
    • Ensured Traditional Chinese version aligns with regional language habits and cultural nuances
  4. System Adaptation:
    • Comprehensive review and adjustment of system functionalities to ensure proper operation in all supported languages
    • Optimized performance in multilingual environments


16 Sep 10:32
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🔧 常规更新与错误修复

  1. 系统稳定性提升:
    • 修复了多个影响用户体验的 bug
    • 优化了系统运行效率,提高整体性能
  2. 功能微调:
    • 对现有功能进行了微小但重要的调整,提升用户体验
    • 改进了某些命令的响应逻辑,使其更加直观
  3. 兼容性改进:
    • 解决了在特定环境下可能出现的兼容性问题
    • 确保系统在各种设备和平台上的稳定运行

🔧 Regular Update and Bug Fixes

  1. System Stability Enhancement:
    • Fixed multiple bugs affecting user experience
    • Optimized system operational efficiency, improving overall performance
  2. Feature Fine-tuning:
    • Made minor but significant adjustments to existing features, enhancing user experience
    • Improved response logic for certain commands, making them more intuitive
  3. Compatibility Improvements:
    • Resolved compatibility issues that might occur in specific environments
    • Ensured stable system operation across various devices and platforms


16 Sep 09:59
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🌐 多语言支持功能上线

  1. 语言选项扩展:
    • 现已支持简体中文和英语
    • 默认语言设置为英语,确保国际用户的基础体验
  2. 语言切换功能:
    • 新增 /language 命令,方便用户在中英文之间切换
    • 用户可随时调整语言偏好,获得最佳本地化体验
  3. 系统适配:
    • 所有主要功能和提示信息均已完成双语支持
    • 保证切换后的一致性和流畅性

🌐 Multilingual Support Launch

  1. Language Options Expanded:
    • Now supporting Simplified Chinese and English
    • Default language set to English, ensuring a baseline experience for international users
  2. Language Switching Feature:
    • Introduced /language command for easy switching between Chinese and English
    • Users can adjust language preference at any time for optimal localized experience
  3. System Adaptation:
    • All major features and prompts now support both languages
    • Ensures consistency and fluency after language switches