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snare edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

Before opening an issue, please reproduce your problem with the current source from GitHub. Then follow these steps:

  1. Enable debug logging by putting the following in ~/.voltron/config:

        debug_logging: true
  2. Start some views:

    $ voltron v r
    $ voltron v d
    $ voltron v s
  3. Run a session with the test inferior included in the Voltron package.

    $ lldb tests/inferior
    (lldb) voltron init
    (lldb) b main
    (lldb) run
    (lldb) stepi
    (lldb) stepi
    (lldb) stepi
  4. Collect the log files generated at ~/.voltron/debugger.log and ~/.voltron/main.log and open an issue including the logs.