2d Stochastic Thin Films - Implicit algorithm to solve 1d lubrication equation with thermal noise
Use make to compile, or lub_eq.sh to compile and run.
To run in terminal: [./run_thin_film sim_no dir_name]. The program only runs if there is a directory dir_name and subdirectory sim_no (sim_no must be integer), for example [test_dir/0].
lub_eq.sh -> compile and run the program on UNIX systems
makefile -> compile by make on UNIX systems
instabilities.cpp ---> main file, sets the parameters and calls simulation
film.h ----> implicit stochastic thin film solver. Solves the equation and writes down the solutions (thin film surface) at integer times from t0 to t.
initial_conditions.h -> Initial conditions (if t0=0 [Flat film, randomly perturbed flat film, droplet], if if t0>0 reads from file droplet_surface_t0.txt)
newton-raphson_tools.h -> routines for Newton-Raphson method
read_write_msg.h -> input output messages
Analysis of the data: droplet.h