The reason of the existance of this repository is because we needed a way to speed up the website creation on our team. We used Flowbite, but we needed some different features, so we forked this repository into a new one. We have a lot of works to do, migrating all components and adding others.
To install Snowflake, use the following command:
yarn add snowpact-ui
After installing Snowflake, you can import it into your React project and start using its components.
Example usage:
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'snowpact-ui';
function App() {
return (
<Button>Click Here</Button>
export default App;
The Snowflake library offers a variety of components such as:
- Buttons
- Forms
- Cards
- etc.
Check the documentation for more information on the available components and how to use them.
- Theme colors in tailwind file
- input styles and .block styles on global css
- For section uses tailwind
In construction.