Releases: snowplow/snowplow
Releases · snowplow/snowplow
Release 62 Tropical Parula
Fixes an incompatibility issue between r61's EmrEtlRunner and some older Elastic Beanstalk configurations, plus some other EmrEtlRunner improvements.
- Updated
vagrant up
to work with latest Peru version (#1475)
- Ruby Tracker: bumped git submodule to 0.4.1 (#1488)
- Python Tracker: bumped git submodule to 0.6.0 (#1487)
- PHP Tracker: bumped git submodule to 0.2.1 (#1486)
- JavaScript Tracker: bumped git submodule to 2.3.0 (#1485)
- Java Tracker: bumped git submodule to 0.7.0 (#1484)
- Objective-C Tracker: renamed from iOS Tracker and bump git submodule to 0.3.2 (#1483)
- Bumped to 0.13.0
- Fixed copy to staging for Tomcat7 logs with hyphen after .txt (#1480)
- Added missing :archive: in BucketHash (#1475)
- Added support for custom bootstrap actions, thanks @danisola! (#1405)
- Removed time_diff as a dependency (#1352)
- Fixed breaking get_assets spec (#1287)
- Now tolerating more exception types in EmrJob's wait_for (#358)
- Bumped Contracts to 0.7 (#1498)
- Moved
include Contracts
into classes and modules (#1438)
Release 61 Pygmy Parrot
The major additions are:
- You can now parse Amazon CloudFront access logs using Snowplow
- The latest Clojure Collector version supports Tomcat 8 and CORS for cross-domain
from JavaScript and ActionScript - EmrEtlRunner's failure handling and Clojure Collector log handling have been improved
- Bumped VERSION file to r61-pygmy-parrot
- Added Gradle to up.playbooks (#1270)
- Added .travis.yml file and Travis button to repo (#1359)
- Added Release button to README (#1428)
- Added License button to README (#1427)
Clojure Collector
- Bumped to 1.0.0
- Updated access-valve to depend on Tomcat 8 classes (#1203)
- Updated .ebextensions to depend on Tomcat 8 (#1202)
- Added ability to disable third-party cookies (#1362)
- Added CORS support (#1146)
- Added CORS-style support for ActionScript3 Tracker (#1330)
- Added support for /:vendor/:version to HEAD (#1166)
- Now using UTF-8 for character encoding throughout (#1354)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.12.0
- Updated SnowplowAdapter to accept "charset=UTF-8" (#1424)
- Base64 decoding does not specify UTF-8 charset (#1403)
- Removed incorrect extra layer of URL decoding from non-Bas64-encoded JSONs (#1396)
- Added support for ti_nm for transaction item name as well as ti_na (#1401)
- Added CloudfrontAccessLogAdapter (#1282)
- Made timestamp field of CollectorPayload an Option (#1417)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.13.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.12.0 (#1395)
- Added test for non-Base64-encoded JSON (#1394)
- Updated tests to include Unicode (#1390)
- Added integration test for CloudfrontAccessLogAdapter (#1423)
Scala Hadoop Bad Rows
- Removed .travis.yml (#1382)
- Bumped to 0.12.0
- Now appending region name to Clojure Collector log files (#1379)
- Added support for moving and archiving timestamped Clojure Collector log files (#1400)
- Now appending rather than prepending instance names to Clojure Collector log files (#1404)
- Changed Clojure Collector log timestamp format to match CloudFront logs (#1398)
- Added dedicated return code for no files to process (#1397)
- Now allowing tsv// and json// as :etl:collector_format (#1284)
- Now performing S3DistCp from processing for tsv/* (#1431)
- Added output directory empty check prior to staging step (#1151)
- Updated shell script to only run StorageLoader if EmrEtlRunner found files (#1399)
- Wrote JSON Path file for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/flash_context (#1305)
- Wrote JSON Path file for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/timing event (#1388)
- Wrote JSON Path file for a event (#1285)
- Wrote JSON Path file for a context (#1409)
- Wrote JSON Path file for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/desktop_context (#1421)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/timing event (#1387)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/flash_context (#1304)
- Added Redshift DDL for a event (#1286)
- Added Redshift DDL for a context (#1408)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/desktop_context (#1420)
Release 60 Bee Hummingbird
New functionality in the Kinesis pipeline, and some bug fixes in the Hadoop pipeline.
- Added VERSION file in root to assist vagrant push (#1293)
- Added vagrant push scripting to publish Kinesis apps (#1288)
- Added lzo.yml to up.playbooks (#1325)
Thrift Raw Event
- Bumped Thrift version to 0.9.1 (#1225)
- Added collector-payload-1 and schema-sniffer-1 (#1322)
- Created a subproject for each Thrift class (#1298)
- Updated README and project description to reflect new structure (#1300)
- Renamed to thrift-schemas (#1299)
Scala Stream Collector
- Bumped to 0.3.0
- Started sending CollectorPayloads instead of SnowplowRawEvents (#1226)
- Added support for POST requests (#187)
- Added support for any {api-vendor}/{api-version} for GET and POST (#652)
- Stopped decoding URLs (#1217)
- Changed 1x1 pixel response to use a stable GIF (#1260)
- Renamed default.conf to config.hocon.sample (#1243)
- Started using ThreadLocal to handle Thrift serialization, thanks @denismo and @pkallos! (#1254)
Scala Stream Collector: added healthcheck for load balancers, thanks @duncan! (#1360)
- Bumped to 0.11.0
- Added "thrift" collector format (#1301)
- Implemented time_diff manually (#1310)
- Fixed failure reporting when jobflow step(s) created_at is nil (#1351)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.11.0
- Added schema-sniffer-1 and collector-payload-1 dependencies (#1296)
- Bumped user-agent-utils version to 1.14 (#1224)
- Changed EnrichedEvent field name to ip_organization (#1145)
- Changed "thrift" to "thrift-raw" in Loader object (#1302)
- Added tests for getLoader function (#558)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.12.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.11.0 (#1294)
- Added collector-payload-1 and snowplow-thrift-raw-event as test dependencies (#1248)
- Added support for processing Thrift raw events, thanks @pkallos! (#538)
- Added tests to Hadoop Enrich for processing Thrift raw events (#559)
Scala Kinesis Enrich
- Bumped to 0.3.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.11.0 (#1295)
- Renamed default.conf to config.hocon.sample (#1242)
Kinesis Elasticsearch Sink
- Added LICENSE-2.0.txt (#1329)
Kinesis LZO S3 Sink
Snowplow v0.9.14
Additional webhooks (Mandrill, PagerDuty and Pingdom), bug fixes and a new Vagrant setup.
- Added dedicated Vagrant setup (#1266)
- Added Quickstart section to README (#1268)
- Added script to sync region-specific Snowplow Hosted Assets buckets (#1269)
CloudFront Collector
- Replaced 1x1 pixel with stable GIF (#1259)
Clojure Collector
- Bumped to 0.9.1
- Increased Tomcat's HTTP header tolerance to 64kB (#1249)
- Changed 1x1 pixel response to use a stable GIF (#1258)
- Bumped to 0.10.0
- Rremoved hyphen from the pattern match for Clojure Collector logs (#1194)
- On job failure, log overall jobflow and individual step statuses (#1153)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.10.0
- Bumped Scala Iglu Client to 0.2.0 (#1222)
- Updated SnowplowAdapter to accept payload_data versions above 1-0-0 (#1220)
- Updated SnowplowAdapter to make charset=utf-8 optional (#1257)
- Added Adapter to pre-process Pingdom events (#1164)
- Added Adapter to pre-process PagerDuty events (#1158)
- Added Adapter to pre-process Mandrill events (#1061)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.11.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.10.0 (#1223)
- Added test job for PingdomAdapter (#1176)
- Added test job for PagerdutyAdapter (#1175)
- Added test job for MandrillAdapter (#1171)
- Added test job for more relaxed payload_data schema matching (#1235)
Scala Hadoop Shred
- Bumped to 0.3.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.10.0 (#1236)
- Bumped Iglu Scala Client to 0.2.0 (#1230)
- Loosened match criteria for unstructured events and contexts (#1231)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.pingdom/incident_notify_of_close event (#1182)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.pingdom/incident_assign event (#1181)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.pingdom/incident_notify_user event (#1251)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.pagerduty/incident event (#1177)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_sent event (#1059)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_bounced event (#1058)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_opened event (#1057)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_marked_as_spam event (#1056)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_delayed event (#1055)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_soft_bounced event (#1054)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_clicked event (#1053)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/message_rejected event (#1052)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mandrill/recipient_unsubscribed event (#1051)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.pingdom/incident_notify_of_close event (#1180)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.pingdom/incident_assign event (#1179)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.pingdom/incident_notify_user (#1252)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.pagerduty/incident event (#1178)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_sent event (#1050)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_bounced event (#1049)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_opened event (#1048)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_marked_as_spam event (#1047)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_delayed event (#1046)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_soft_bounced event (#1045)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_clicked event (#1044)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/message_rejected event (#1043)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mandrill/recipient_unsubscribed event (#1042)
- Removed trailing commas from com.mailchimp SQL table definitions (#1174)
Snowplow v0.9.13
Important bug fix in URI parsing code.
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.9.1
- Added error handling for Netaporter URI parsing (#1216)
Scala Kinesis Enrich
- Bumped to 0.2.1
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.9.1
- Fixed conflict with Specs2 version, thanks @knservis! (#1213)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.10.1
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.9.1
- Deleted test-file in repository root (#1219)
Snowplow v0.9.12
Improved Kinesis support, including the new Kinesis Elasticsearch Sink.
Scala Stream Collector
- Bumped to 0.2.0
- Changed organization to "com.snowplowanalytics" (#1168)
- Made the --config option mandatory (#1128)
- Added ability to set AWS credentials from environment variables (#1116)
- Now enforcing Java 7 for compilation (#1068)
- Increased request character limit to 32768 (#987)
- Improved performance by using Future, thanks @pkallos! (#580)
Scala Stream Collector, Scala Kinesis Enrich
- Made endpoint configurable, thanks @sambo1972! (#978)
- Added support for IAM roles, thanks @pkallos! (#534)
- Replaced stream list with describe to tighten permissions, thanks @pkallos! (#535)
Scala Kinesis Enrich
- Bumped to 0.2.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.9.0
- Changed organization to "com.snowplowanalytics" (#1167)
- Made the --config option mandatory (#1126)
- Updated instructions in README (#1125)
- Added ability to set AWS credentials from environment variables (#1117)
- Now enforcing Java 7 for compilation (#1067)
- Replaced printlns with Java Logger (#521)
- Started sending bad records to a separate stream (#463)
- Added page_url and page_referrer back into enrichment output (#686)
- Stopped opening a new file for each enriched event, thanks @pkallos! (#714)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.9.0
- Added BadRow from Scala Hadoop Enrich (#1118)
- Added ability to override collector-set nuid with tracker-set tnuid (#1095)
- Made URI parsing more permissive using NetAPorter's URI library, thanks @rupeshmane! (#1172)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.10.0
- Bumped Scala Common Enrich to 0.9.0
- Moved BadRow into Scala Common Enrich (#1119)
- Updated README with new Snowplow capitalization (#1127)
Kinesis Elasticsearch Sink
- Added. Version 0.1.0
Snowplow v0.9.11
Our initial webhook support.
Clojure Collector
- Bumped to 0.9.0
- Added support for /:vendor/:version to GET (#1131)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.8.0
- Bumped json4s to 3.2.11 (#1141)
- Bumped Scala Iglu Client to 0.1.1 (#1140)
- Removed check that POST request has body and content-type (#1132)
- Moved payload API detection into CollectorApi.parse (#1113)
- Fixed bug in CljTomcatLoader expecting request body to be "_" instead of "-" (#1112)
- Added Adapter to pre-process CallRail events (#1108)
- Added Adapter to pre-process MailChimp events (#1086)
- Added Adapter to pre-process Iglu-compatible events (#1060)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.9.0
- Added job test for unrecognized api name/version (#1115)
- Updated DiscardableCfLinesSpec given /not-ice.png is no longer discarded (#1114)
- Added test job for MailchimpAdapter (#1159)
- Added test job for CallrailAdapter (#1160)
- Removed not null constraint on change_form's value column (#1162)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.callrail/call_complete event (#1110)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/campaign_sending_status event (#1085)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/cleaned_email event (#1084)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/email_address_change event (#1083)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/profile_update event (#1082)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/unsubscribe event (#1081)
- Added Redshift DDL for a com.mailchimp/subscribe event (#1080)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.callrail/call_complete event (#1109)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/campaign_sending_status event (#1079)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/cleaned_email event (#1078)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/email_address_change event (#1077)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/profile_update event (#1076)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/unsubscribe event (#1075)
- Wrote JSON Path file for com.mailchimp/subscribe event (#1074)
Snowplow v0.9.10
Minimalistic release designed to support the new Snowplow JavaScript Tracker v2.1.1.
- Wrote JSON Path file for PerformanceTiming (#1147)
- Wrote JSON Path file for social_interaction (#1029)
- Wrote JSON Path file for site_search (#1027)
- Wrote JSON Path file for change_form (#1025)
- Wrote JSON Path file for submit_form (#1023)
- Wrote JSON Path file for remove_from_cart (#1021)
- Wrote JSON Path file for add_to_cart (#1019)
- Converted all Redshift DDLs to use tabs (#1034)
- Added Redshift DDL for PerformanceTiming (#1032)
- Added Redshift DDL for social_interaction (#1030)
- Added Redshift DDL for site_search (#1028)
- Added Redshift DDL for change_form (#1026)
- Added Redshift DDL for submit_form (#1024)
- Added Redshift DDL for remove_from_cart (#1022)
- Added Redshift DDL for add_to_cart (#1020)
Snowplow v0.9.9
Primarily a comprehensive bug fix release, although it also adds the new campaign_attribution
enrichment to our enrichment registry.
New trackers
- .NET Tracker: added git submodule. Version 0.1.0 (#1000)
- PHP Tracker: added git submodule. Version 0.1.0 (#1013)
Clojure Collector
- Bumped to 0.8.0
- Fixed regression in log record format caused by #854 (#992)
- Correctly handles multiple IPs in X-Forwarded-For (#970)
- Bumped to 0.3.3
- Selecting Snowplow's hosted-assets bucket based on region (#1012)
- Bumped to 0.9.2
- No rows to process now returns 0, not 1 (#1018)
- Fixed bug where --process-enrich doesn't work, thanks @kingo55! (#1089)
- Now checking that output directories are empty before running (#1124)
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.7.0
- Bumped scala-maxmind-iplookups to 0.2.0 (#1002)
- Added support for non-GA campaign attribution: phase 1 (#402)
- Rewrote AttributionEnrichments tests as RefererParserEnrichment tests (#974)
- Allow but downcase a-f characters in incoming event_id (#1006)
- Extract useragent from ua parameter (#1011)
- Fixed issue where unset integer fields throw an NPE (#570)
- Fixed issue where unset double fields throw an NPE (#1062)
- Added tests for ConversionUtils.stringToJInteger (#1064)
- Now enforcing Java 7 for compilation (#1065)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
Snowplow v0.9.8
Our initial release for mobile event analytics
- iOS Tracker: added git submodule. Version 0.1.1 (#982)
- Android Tracker: added git submodule. Version 0.1.1 (#983)
Clojure Collector
- Bumped to 0.7.0
- Merged snowplow/tomcat-cf-access-log-valve into Snowplow as clojure-collector/access-valve (#898)
- Bumped access-valve to 0.1.0
- Changed access-valve's package path to com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.collectors.clojure.accessvalve (#924)
- Changed access-valve to use Gradle (#899)
- Changed access-valve to publish to war-resources/.ebextensions (#900)
- Updated access-valve and added web.xml to log request body and content type (#901)
- Fixed empty querystring in access-valve (#938)
- Fixed IP address forwarding for VPC-based environments (#854)
- Added support for API vendor and version in routing (#925)
- Added support for POST as well as GET (#654)
Scala Stream Collector
Scala Common Enrich
- Bumped to 0.6.0
- Split out Clojure and CloudFront Collector event processing (#943)
- Added CljTomcatLoaderSpec tests (#963)
- Filtering non-GETs from CloudfrontLoader (#944)
- Replaced all Argonaut code with json4s (#945)
- Renamed CanonicalOutput to EnrichedEvent (#964)
- Replaced CanonicalInput and TrackerPayload with CollectorPayload and RawEvent (#946)
- Updated EnrichmentManager to process RawEvent not CanonicalInput (#903)
- Added Snowplow Tp2 Adapter to convert event JSON to NEL of RawEvents (#904)
- Geo-IP lookup now supports ip parameter on querystring (#961)
- IP address anonymization now works with ip parameter on querystring (#960)
Scala Hadoop Enrich
- Bumped to 0.7.0
- Bumped to Scala Common Enrich 0.6.0 (#940)
- Updated to support generating multiple enriched events from one raw payload (#902)