- chapter 1 - 6
- start to learn next.js app router course
- set up dashboard database @vercel/postgres
- chapter 7
- learn some approaches to fetch data:APIs,ORMs,SQL etc.
- fetch data for RevenueChart/LatestInvoicesChart/Card
- learn network waterfalls.
- avoid waterfalls: initiate all data requests at the same time - in parallel.
- disadvantage: if one data request is slower than all the others.
- RevenueChart style have not been settled. [css: grid flex]
- Chapter 8 - 9
- Static Rendering and Dynamic Rendering
- Next.js API unstable_noStore: an experimental API
- How to settle a slow data fetch
- Improve user's experience by adding streaming.
- Loading skeletons
- Route Groups (overview)
- Stream specific components using React Suspense.
- it's good practice to move your data fetches down to the components that need it, and then wrap those components in Suspense.
- Chapter 10
- Partial Prerendering leverages React's Concurrent APIs and uses Suspense to defer rendering parts of your application until some condition is met (e.g. data is loaded).
Chapter 11
Use the Next.js APIs: searchParams, usePathname, and useRouter.
Client Component and Server Component
Best practice: Debouncing use a library called use-debounce
Adding pagination
learn pagination component(pagination.tsx)
Chapter 12: Mutating Data
Server Actions: run asynchronous code directly on the server.
Learn breadcrumbs style (breadcrumbs.tsx)
Create invoices with server actions
Dynamic Route Segments with []: you don't know the exact segment name and want to create routes based on data.
Edit invoices and Delete invoices with server actions.
Pass id to the Server Action using JS bind. This will ensure that any values passed to the Server Action are encoded.
Chapter 13: handling errors
Learn how to handle errors
Use error.tsx file to catch errors in route segments,and show a fallback UI to the user.
error.tsx is useful for catching all errors, notFound can be used when you try to fetch a resource that doesn't exist.
Chapter 14: Improving Accessibility
Form Validation: client-side validation & server-side validation
server-side validation: learn twice
Chapter 15: Adding Authentication
- Chapter 16: Adding Metadata
- RevenueChart style
- learn Authentication nextauth.js
- something wrong vercel deployment. fix it.
- config tailwind.config.ts
- config tsconfig.json
- add @types/react-dom