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C# Client for Jaeger (
- Implements C# OpenTracing API
- Supports netstandard 2.0
This package contains everything you need to get up and running. The meta-package includes the following packages:
The implementation of Jaeger.Core
is agnostic to any reporting endpoint and could be even used without any in case of logfile reporting. For more information about the sender concept, have a look at the sender README.
This is a list of sender implementations known to the Jaeger team:
- Jaeger.Senders.Thrift (default, included in
) - Jaeger.Senders.Grpc
The following will give you a tracer that reports spans to an ILogger
instance from ILoggerFactory
using Jaeger;
using Jaeger.Reporters;
using Jaeger.Samplers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
var loggerFactory = ; // get Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ILoggerFactory
var serviceName = "initExampleService";
var reporter = new LoggingReporter(loggerFactory);
var sampler = new ConstSampler(true);
var tracer = new Tracer.Builder(serviceName)
This works well if you only want to log to a logging framework. As soon as you want to also get metrics and use a real remote tracer, manually building will get hard pretty fast.
holds only primitive values and it is designed to be used with configuration files or when configuration is provided in environmental variables.
using Jaeger;
using Jaeger.Samplers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
var loggerFactory = ; // get Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ILoggerFactory
var serviceName = "initExampleService";
Configuration.SenderConfiguration.DefaultSenderResolver = new SenderResolver(loggerFactory)
Configuration config = new Configuration("myServiceName")
.WithSampler(...) // optional, defaults to RemoteControlledSampler with HttpSamplingManager on localhost:5778
.WithReporter(...); // optional, defaults to RemoteReporter with UdpSender on localhost:6831 when ThriftSenderFactory is registered
ITracer tracer = config.GetTracer();
The config objects lazily builds and configures Jaeger Tracer. Multiple calls to GetTracer() return the same instance.
The ThriftSenderFactory
is defined as part of the NuGET package Jaeger.Senders.Thrift
. This is usually included through the meta-package Jaeger
. If you do not want to add a dependency on ApacheThrift
when using other Jaeger.Senders.*
packages or when defining your own ISender
, use the package Jaeger.Core
directly instead of Jaeger
By default, Configuration.SenderConfiguration.DefaultSenderResolver
does NOT contain any ISenderFactory
instances since Jaeger.Core
is agnostic of any ISender
implementation. All calls to SenderResolver.Resolve
will return NoopSender.Instance
It is also possible to obtain a Jaeger.Configuration
object configured using properties specified
as environment variables or system properties. A value specified as a system property will override a value
specified as an environment variable for the same property name.
Configuration config = Configuration.FromEnv();
The property names are:
Property | Required | Description |
JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME | yes | The service name |
JAEGER_AGENT_HOST | no | The hostname for communicating with agent via UDP |
JAEGER_AGENT_PORT | no | The port for communicating with agent via UDP |
JAEGER_GRPC_TARGET | no | The target for communicating with collector via GRPC, see |
JAEGER_GRPC_ROOT_CERTIFICATE | no | The root certificate file used to check the server side certificate from GRPC collector (roots.pem) |
JAEGER_GRPC_CLIENT_CHAIN | no | The client certificate chain file used to create a trusted TLS connection to the GRPC collector (client.pem) |
JAEGER_GRPC_CLIENT_KEY | no | The client private key file used to create a trusted TLS connection to the GRPC collector (client.key) |
JAEGER_ENDPOINT | no | The traces endpoint, in case the client should connect directly to the Collector, like http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces |
JAEGER_AUTH_TOKEN | no | Authentication Token to send as "Bearer" to the endpoint |
JAEGER_USER | no | Username to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the endpoint |
JAEGER_PASSWORD | no | Password to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the endpoint |
JAEGER_PROPAGATION | no | Comma separated list of formats to use for propagating the trace context. Defaults to the standard Jaeger format. Valid values are jaeger and b3 |
JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS | no | Whether the reporter should also log the spans |
JAEGER_REPORTER_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | no | The reporter's maximum queue size |
JAEGER_REPORTER_FLUSH_INTERVAL | no | The reporter's flush interval (ms) |
JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE | no | The sampler type |
JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM | no | The sampler parameter (double) |
JAEGER_SAMPLER_MANAGER_HOST_PORT | no | (DEPRECATED) The host name and port when using the remote controlled sampler |
JAEGER_SAMPLING_ENDPOINT | no | The url for the remote sampling conf when using sampler type remote. Default is |
JAEGER_TAGS | no | A comma separated list of name = value tracer level tags, which get added to all reported spans. The value can also refer to an environment variable using the format ${envVarName:default} , where the :default is optional, and identifies a value to be used if the environment variable cannot be found |
JAEGER_SENDER_FACTORY | no | The name of the sender factory to use if multiple are available |
JAEGER_TRACEID_128BIT | no | Whether to use 128bit TraceID instead of 64bit |
will make the client send traces to the agent via UdpSender
environment variable is also set, the traces are sent to the endpoint, effectively making
vars ineffective.
is set, the HttpSender
is used when submitting traces to a remote
endpoint, usually served by a Jaeger Collector. If the endpoint is secured, a HTTP Basic Authentication
can be performed by setting the related environment vars. Similarly, if the endpoint expects an authentication
token, like a JWT, set the JAEGER_AUTH_TOKEN
environment variable. If the Basic Authentication environment
variables and the Auth Token environment variable are set, Basic Authentication is used.
For more information on reporting see the reporting README
For more information on sampling see the sampling README
When your code is called you might want to pull current trace information out of calling information before building and starting a span. This allows you to link your span into a current trace and track its relation to other spans. By default text map and http headers are supported. More support is planned for the future as well as allowing custom extractors.
using OpenTracing.Propagation; // where you get Format from
var callingHeaders = new TextMapExtractAdapter(...); // get the calling headers
var callingSpanContext = tracer.Extract(BuiltinFormats.HttpHeaders, callingHeaders);
You can then use the callingSpanContext when adding references with the SpanBuilder.
In order to pass along the trace information in calls so others can extract it you need to inject it into the carrier.
using OpenTracing.Propagation; // where you get BuiltinFormats from
var spanContext = span.Context; // pulled from your current span
var newCallHeaders = new TextMapInjectAdapter(null); // get the calling headers
tracer.Inject(spanContext, BuiltinFormats.HttpHeaders, newCallHeaders);
You can then pass along the headers and as along as what you are calling knows how to extract that format you are good to go.
Before you start a span you will want to build it out. You can do this using the span builder. You would build a span for each operation you wanted to trace.
var operationName = "Get::api/values/";
var builder = tracer.BuildSpan(operationName);
Any tags you add to the span builder will be added to the span on start and reported to the reporting system you have setup when the span is reported. The following types are supported as tags: bool
, double
, int
, string
builder.WithTag("", "machine1").WithTag("cpu.cores", 8);
Some well-known tags are defined in OpenTracing.Tag
and can be used as follows:
using OpenTracing.Tag;
builder.WithTag(Tags.SpanKind, Tags.SpanKindClient).WithTag(Tags.DbType, "sql");
References allow you to show how this span relates to another span. You need the SpanContext
of the span you want to reference. If you add a child_of
reference the SpanBuilder will use that as the parent of the span being built.
builder.AddReference(References.FollowsFrom, spanContext);
There also exist helper methods to simplify adding child of references.
Shorthand for adding a chold of reference. You can pass in an ISpan
or and ISpanContext
Starting the span from the span builder will figure out if there is a parent for the span, create a context for the span, and pass along all references and tags.
You can start the span right now:
var span = builder.Start();
Or you can start it at a specific time:
var startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var span = builder.WithStartTimestamp(startTime).Start();
If you want to start a span and use it as an active span, you can use a scoped span.
using (var scope = builder.StartActive(true))
var span = scope.Span;
This will automatically define the newly created span as child of the span that was active at that time. If no span was active, it will be created as root span.
In addition will the scope span be automatically finished when the scope ends, even if the using
-Block throws an exception.
After creating a span and before finishing it, you can add and change some information on a span.
Baggage is key/value data that is passed along the wire and shared with other spans. You can get and set baggage data from the span object.
var mobileVersion = span.GetBaggageItem("mobile.version");
span.SetBaggageItem("back-end.version", "0.0.1");
You can log structured data which allows you to tie information from what's happening along the lifetime of a span to the time that it happened. You can log a list of key/value data or an event at a specific time.
var logData = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> {
{ "handling number of events", 6 },
{ "using legacy system", false }
span.Log(DateTimeOffset.Now, logData);
or you can pass it without a timestamp and the timestamp will be sent for you:
Events are a little different in that they're just a string.
var event = "loop_finished";
span.Log(DateTimeOffset.Now, event);
and as above you can send an event in without a timestamp:
Tags can be set using SetTag(<key>, <value>)
and follows the builder WithTag in the data types it accepts.
You can change the operation name from what was originally set on the span when it was created.
implements IDisposable
so a using statement will automatically finish your span. However, you can also call Finish
. You can either pass in the finish time or let the library handle that for you.
We welcome community contributions to this project. Please see for more details.
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the APLv2.
All files are released with the Apache 2.0 license.