A DataMapper
plugin that adds the ability to clone any model.
As this alone wouldn’t really be a big deal, it is also possible
to specifiy a 1:n relation with so called clone_specs_. In these,
the @attributes_toclone@ are persisted, thus leaving clients with
the choice of selecting predefined sets of attributes to clone.
require 'rubygems'
gem 'dm-core', '=0.9.11'
gem 'dm-validations', '=0.9.11'
gem 'dm-is-remixable', '=0.9.11'
gem 'dm-is-cloneable', '=0.0.1'
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-validations'
require 'dm-is-remixable'
require 'dm-is-cloneable'
DataMapper::Logger.new(STDOUT, :debug)
DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3:memory:')
class Item
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :master_item_id, Integer # add this property if backlinks are desired
property :name, String
property :description, String
is :cloneable
# adds the following api to this class
# Item#clone_resource(nr_of_clones, attributes_to_clone = <:all|String|Array[String|Symbol]|ItemCloneSpec>)
# Item#master_resource
# Item#cloned_resources
# Item#has_backlinks_to_master?
# Item#has_clone_specs?
# will define and thus be able to auto_migrate! by using dm-is-remixable:
# class ItemCloneSpec
# include DataMapper::Resource
# property :name, String, :length => (1..64)
# property :description, Text
# property :attributes_to_clone, String, :length => (1..1024), :auto_validation => false
# property :created_at, DateTime
# property :updated_at, DateTime
# property :deleted_at, ParanoidDateTime
# # allow an instance of self, an array of strings or symbols, or a comma separated list of attribute names as string
# # storage format is a comma separated string with no whitespace
# def attributes_to_clone=(attrs)
# case attrs = (attrs.is_a?(self.class) ? attrs.attributes_to_clone : attrs)
# when String then attribute_set(:attributes_to_clone, attrs.gsub(' ', ''))
# when Symbol then attribute_set(:attributes_to_clone, attrs.to_s)
# when Array then attribute_set(:attributes_to_clone, attrs.map { |a| a.to_s }.join(','))
# else
# raise ArgumentError, "attrs must be an Array or a String separated by commas but was #{attrs.class.name}, #{attrs}"
# end
# end
# # returns an array of symbols representing the properties to be cloned
# def attributes_to_clone
# (attrs = attribute_get(:attributes_to_clone)) ? attrs.split(',').map { |a| a.to_sym } : []
# end
# end