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Ubuntu 16.04 Installation Experience

Simon Torres edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 7 revisions

Installing on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. You might need to install git first. GIT is the Version Control Software that we are using to develop the Goodman Pipeline along with the site where all the code is permanently stored. Is free and can be accessed at all times.

    $ sudo apt-get install git
  2. Clone the latest stable version of the pipeline from GitHub

    $ git clone
  3. Go to the folder and you will find several directories and files:

    $ ls
    bin  dist  docs  goodman_ccd  goodman_spec  LICENSE  MANIFEST  requirements.txt
  4. Before attempting a new installation make sure you have installed pip. In particular if you are using a brand new Ubuntu installation.

    $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
    $ sudo easy_install pip
    # you will also need...
    $ sudo apt-get install python-gobject-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install python-cairo-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install python-gi-cairo
    $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install python-tk
    # this section needs to be reviewed
    $ sudo apt-get install python-qt4
  5. Install requirements.txt

    $ sudo -H pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Install the program system-wide:

    $ sudo python2.7 install
  7. Install DCR (Cosmic Ray Rejection) This pipeline uses DCR developed by Wojtek Pych instead of ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic because we got better results with DCR. Unfortunately you will have to compile it, I have successfully compiled it on Centos 7, Ubuntu 16.04, Linux Mint 18.1, Solaris 11 and MacOS Sierra.

    6.1 Follow this link and you can follow the instructions there. The same instructions are reproduced here.

    6.2 Download the dcr.tar file and untar it.

    tar -xvf dcr.tar

    6.3 Compile it


    If you don't get any errors you can try it without any arguments and you will get something like this

    $ ./dcr
            USAGE:  dcr  input_file  cleaned_file  cosmicrays_file
    File 'dcr.par' must be present in the working directory.
  8. Make it available for the system Now that you have compiled the program you have a file called dcr you need to put it in the $PATH variable of your system. I usually use bash so if you use something different follow the example below as a guide.

    7.1 Create a directory to place the executable

    $ mkdir ~/.bin

    Note that in the example above the directory .bin will be hidden and the symbol ~ denotes your home directory for instance: /home/goodman/ 7.2 Move dcr to your new folder.

    $ mv dcr ~/.bin

    7.3 Add the directory to the PATH variable. With your favorite text editor, open the file ~/.bashrc

    $ vim ~/.bashrc

    At the end add the following line.

    export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/.bin

    If you don't know your home directory do the following

    $ cd
    $ pwd

    Whatever the output is there you should replace it for /home/user/ 7.4 Reload the environment variables. For this you can simply close and reopen the terminal or you can do:

    $ source ~/.bashrc
  9. Finally get some data and run redccd first and then redspec