Simple library for sending telemetry metrics to collectd. All metrics paths are generated at compile time. Do things like
Metrics.timed do
config :elixir_metrics,
app_name: :dsmapi,
unixsock: "/var/run/collectd-unixsock",
connect_timeout: 5_000,
reconnect_interval: 5_000,
collection_interval: 60_000,
use_collectd: true
in your application tree
supervisor(ElixirMetrics, [metrics_children]),
Where metrics_children is any polling processes you want to install. It can be []
and you can
just use the metrics library normally, doing things like Metrics.count([:my_app, :some_event])
. But you can write additional poller processes by doing something like:
defmodule MyApp.CoolPoller do
use ElixirMetrics.Poller
def poll() do
set_gauge([:my, :florp, :metric, :path], Florps.current_florp_count())
and then pass it to the metric supervisor
metrics_children = [
{MyApp.CoolPoller, []}
and your poll function will get run on the collection interval.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding elixir_metrics
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:elixir_metrics, "~> 0.1.0"}
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