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v1.6.1 Release

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@anvithks anvithks released this 20 May 09:21
· 32 commits to master since this release

Version Summary

Version Number : v1.6.1 [tag: v1.6.1]
Date : 20-May-2022

Release Summary :

SODA v1.6.1 Release is an incremental release over Lamu Release(v1.6.0) of SODA Foundation.
You can get the the earlier stable release, Lamu, here.


Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1


  • Implemented the Auth module. Added Login and Logout components and moved all the authentication code from app controller to the auth module.
  • [Delfin UI] Updated the delfin masking views as per the updated APIs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed console error on list storage service plans page when no storage service plans created.
  • Fixed create bucket error not visible when bucket is being created.
  • Fixed console error when user enters incorrect / unavailable page url in the address bar directly.
  • Fixed home page background color becoming white when user navigates to home page by clicking on SODA logo or by entering the url directly in address bar.
  • Fixed active menu item not getting highlighted in the left menu.

New Contributors

Projects/Repos Tested with this release:

Project Release Link
multi-cloud multicloud release v1.6.1
installer installer release v1.6.1
delfin delfin release v1.5.1

How to use the Release:

Configuration & Installation If you want more config control, you can follow these steps:

Ensure to checkout v1.6.1
Edit the file installer/ansible/group_vars/common.yml and change the section Respective projects release versions

api_release_version: v1.1.0
controller_release_version: v1.1.0
dock_release_version: v1.3.0
dashboard_release_version: v1.6.1
gelato_release_version: v1.6.1
sushi_release_version: v1.4.0
orchestration_release_version: v0.13.0
delfin_release_version: v1.5.1

Issues and Suggestions

Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at
