{Coder for C#} as well as [Coder for Python] are simple development environments for people, who want to learn programming. It includes a library of graphical functions and classes to make it easy and fun. The concept comes from Processing.org, a great development environment for programming visual elements and learning programming.
{Coder for C#} and [Coder for Python] are free and open source. It draws inspiration and guidance from its precursor Processing and P5.JS. However, it is a new interpretation, not a port. It should not match Processing's set of functionality exactly. Instead it should be a software for learning programming with fun. The {Coder for C#} website and the [Coder for Python] website contains an overview of the project, a documentation yet to be written 😉, tutorials and examples.
{Coder for C#} uses the programming language C# (pronounced CSharp), which is easy to learn and is used for simple as well as complex object-oriented programs. [Coder for Python] uses the programming language Python, which is easy to learn and is used for simple as well as complex programs.