Does lobbying regulation affect trust in government? a Qualitative Comparative Analysis on selected European countries
This is the Online Appendix containing data and R scripts.
script_00: installing and loading the necessary R packages for the analysis
script_01: loading and preprocessing the dataset
script_02: calibrating the variables
script_03.1: analysis of HP.1: R * C = TRUST
script_03.2: analysis of HP.2: R * C = CPI
script_03.3: analysis of HP.1.2: R = TRUST
script_03.4: analysis of HP.2.2: R = CPI
script_03.5: analysis of HP.1.3: C = TRUST
script_03.6: analysis of HP.2.3: C = CPI
script_04: descriptive statistics
fuz_tr_01: preprocessing for the robustness test
fuz_tr_C: analysis of HP.1 with concentrated coder's bias
fuz_tr_D: analysis of HP.1 with dilated coder's bias
fuz_tr_I: analysis of HP.1 with intensified coder's bias
fuz_tr_M: analysis of HP.1 with moderated coder's bias