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🚲 a tool for sharing portable git hosted project templates


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portable github hosted project templates. less assembly required

Porteurbars is a command line tool for sharing and applying reusable project templates that remove tedious assembly boilerplate, allowing you to spend less time in the bikeshed and more time on the road.


  • 0 runtime dependencies
  • use existing and familiar tools: handlebars, github
  • use environment for configuration
  • fast
  • focused feature set
  • fun


homebrew (on osx)

$ brew install softprops/tools/porteurbars

If you want to upgrade to newer versions, use brew upgrade

$ brew upgrade softprops/tools/porteurbars

github releases

You can get up and going by downloading a binary directly from github releases.

$ cd $HOME/bin
$ curl -#L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz" \
  | tar -xz -C ~/bin
$ porteurbars --help
porteurbars 0.1.5
portable git hosted project templates

    porteurbars [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <repository> [<target>]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -k, --keep       disables replacement prompts and keeps local copies of files
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -y, --yes        disables value prompts by accepting all default values

    -b, --base <base_directory>    directory within <repository> to use as root. defaults to base of repo
    -r, --rev <revision>           git revision to checkout. defaults to 'master'

    <repository>    uri of template to apply.
                    example uris
                    github: user/repo
                     local: file:///path/to/repo
    <target>        directory to write template output to. defaults to current working directory


Porteurbars templates follow two simple conventions.

  1. Porteurbars follows the 12-factor philosophy for how to configure your templates. Porteurbars assumes a file at the root of a directory called default.env exists, containing key value pairs that represent your templates environment variables. When applying a template, this file will be read and the user will be prompted for each key that isn't defined in their current environment. This works well on most systems and allows for promptless template execution as you can specify and environment before running the program
$ FOO=bar BAR=baz porteurbars user/repo target
  1. Porteurbars assumes a directory exists called template in your template's root directory, next to your default.env file. This directory will contain arbitrary handlebars template files representing the your templatized project. Porteurbars will walk through this directory evaluating templates and copying results to your target directory. If Porteurbars detects the presence of a local file will differences for a given file, you will be prompted for whether or not you wish to keep those local changes.

template hosting

Just upload your templates to github. That's it.


Creating templates

Porteurbars defines a convention for writing templates with only two rules.

  1. create file at the root of a directory called default.env which stores line-oriented key value pairs
$ touch default.env
$ echo "FOO=bar" > default.env
  1. create a directory called template under which you define a set of handlebars templates

Porteurbars supports the notion of rendering templates from file content as well as file paths so you can also templatize the location of your template files. See softprops/mit for an example.

$ mkdir  template
$ echo "Hello {{FOO}}" > template/hello

Publishing a Porteurbars template is as simple has storing this work in a git repo. To share these templates with others you can simply push this repo to github.

Applying templates

Install the porteurbars binary and ensure it's on your execution path.

porteurbars requires one and optionally a second argument.

The first argument is a reference to a template. The simplest case is using a github user/repo. By default porteurbars will render this template in the current working directory

$ porteurbars user/repo

If this is undesirable, you can provide a path to render into

$ porteurbars user/repo target_path

porteurbars will clone this template repo and read the defined template variables from the default.env file. If any of these variables are not defined in your env, porteurbars will prompt you for a value falling back on a default if you do not provide one.

Finally porteurbars will apply that data to the handlebars templates and write all files to the target path.

Composing and collision detection

Porteurbars is designed in a way that let's you compose project templates. What does that mean? Most tools will blow away a target directly when applying templates. Porteurbars will not. Instead if will detect changes if a template was previously applied and prompt you before writing the new version. Porteurbars also allows you to "overlay" different independent templates within a project structure which allows you to compose your project templates to avoid the one size fits all problem of duplicate but similar templates in the wild.

Areas of contribution

handlebars helpers

The choice of handlebars allows for template level "helpers". Currently only a minimal set of helpers beyond the built-ins are provided. As a refresher handlebars helper syntax will look something like the example below.

{{ upper foo }} {{ lower bar }}

The table below lists the transformation helpers by name and expected inputs and outputs

helper example in example out
upper foobar FOOBAR
lower FOOBAR foobar
capitalize foobar Foobar
camel foo_bar fooBar
snake fooBar foo_bar
dashed foo_bar foo-bar

It is sometimes useful to conditionally render something based on equality context data. To support this you may use the eq helper.

{{#eq foo "bar"}}
Hello equality
Hello alternative

More are planned in the future, but I plan to let demand drive additions.


I'd like to hear about your ideas and use cases. It would be useful to assemble a directory of known templates. The choice of git(hub) for hosting templates keeps these decentralized which is good but hinders discovery of existing templates.


This project is heavily influenced by giter8. porteurbars aims to solve some of the issues I've experienced with it. giter8 is a jvm-based cli. To use it, you first need to install another tool called conscript, which itself requires dependencies on the underlying engine of sbt ( the scala build tool ), and before that you need to install a modern version of java's JRE (not to be confused with JDK!). The sum total of this can be hundreds of megabytes you have to download over the internet before your users can get going.

porteurbars comes with a single standalone static binary, weighing in at about, 4M.

giter8 uses a templating language many are not familiar with, but can get acclimated to, author templates. porteurbars uses handlebars templates for templating in order to be familiar to a larger audience.

giter8 templates are just git repositories. porteurbars templates are as well.

giter8 defines a similar set of conventions. You store your templates defaults in a java properties file called and template source under a mvn-style src/main/g8 directory.

porteurbars opts to read configuration from the environment and, as such, uses a default.env file. porteurbars ties to steer away from java's mvn conventions for a simpler directory structure, a "template" folder

Yeomon is a similar tool that is more focused on providing a scaffolding for template authors to write node.js modules that serve as generators to generate project boilerpate.

porteurbars focuses on a more general audience. To author templates, the only required knowledge is handlebars. Yeomon requires you to install the node runtime and also setup and account on npm to share your work. porteurbars only requires git repositories. For convenience, to facilitate sharing on github, it provides convenience for referencing github user repositories (porteurbars user/repo).

Yeomon's focus and/or marketing targets front end web development. porteurbars generalizes the problem of templating away boilerplate for any time of project.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2016