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Latest 2.12 version

What is it?

Helisa (HEL-EE-SAH) is a Scala frontend for solving problems with genetic algorithms and genetic programming.

It’s pretty much a Scala wrapper around the excellent jenetics library [1].

How to use it


helisa is available on Maven central through:

"com.softwaremill" %% "helisa" % "0.8.0"

Currently only Scala 2.12 is supported.

Basic usage

The two things that are absolutely required are:

  1. A genotype, i.e. a representation of possible solutions to the problem,

  2. a fitness function, that scores the solutions generated from the genotypes.

Using an example for guessing a number between 0 and a 100, you would have:

import com.softwaremill.helisa._

case class Guess(num: Int) (1)

val genotype =
  () => genotypes.uniform(, 100)) (2)
def fitness(toGuess: Int) =
  (guess: Guess) => 1.0 / (guess.num - toGuess).abs (3)
  1. The representation of a solution to the problem (the phenotype)

  2. A producer of genotypes.

  3. The fitness function - the closer to the target number, the higher the fitness score.

We use the code above to set up the Evolver, which encapsulates all configuration and generates fresh population streams:

val evolver =
  Evolver(fitness(Number), genotype) (1)
    .populationSize(100) (2)

val stream = evolver.streamScalaStdLib() (3)

val best = stream.drop(1000).head.bestPhenotype (4)

// Some(Guess(42))
  1. Initialize the Evolver with our genotype and fitness function.

  2. Set the population size.

  3. Obtain a Stream population stream (see Integrating for more information)

  4. Advance the stream and obtain the highest-scored phenotype.


You can additionally restrict the solution space by adding a phenotype validator:

val evolver =
  Evolver(fitness(Number), genotype)
    .phenotypeValidator(_.num % 2 == 0) (1)
  1. We know the number is even, so we’re restricting possible solutions to only those numbers.


As a reminder, the three main elements of evolution in genetic algorithms are:

  • the selection of fittest individuals (phenotypes),

  • the recombination of selected individuals to form new individuals in the next generation of the population,

  • the mutation of the new/remaining individuals.


Standard selectors are available from helisa.selectors, you use them like this:

import com.softwaremill.helisa._

val evolver =
  Evolver(fitnessFunction, genotype)
   .offspringSelector(selectors.x) (1)
   .survivorsSelector(selectors.y) (2)
  1. Affect just the survivors.

  2. Affects both the survivors and offspring.

You can also add a custom selector by passing the appropriate function to the survivorSelectorAsFunction or offspringSelectorAsFunction method.

Recombination and mutation

Recombination and mutation is handled are both generalized to operators, available in helisa.operators . You use them as follows:

import com.softwaremill.helisa._

val evolver =
  Evolver(fitnessFunction, genotype)
   .geneticOperators(operators.crossover.x, (1)
   operators.mutation.y) (2)
  1. Recombination operators.

  2. Mutation operators.

You can also add a custom operator by passing the appropriate function to the geneticOperatorsAsFunctions method.

Other configuration

See the doc of EvolverBuilder for all Evolver configuration options.


Integrations for:

  • scala.collection.Iterator

  • scala.collection.Stream

  • Akka Stream Source

  • FS2 Stream for any Async

  • Reactive Streams Publisher

In addition:

  • Monix is not supported directly, but can be taken advantage with using the other integrations,

  • Spark integration is coming up.

Genetic programming