This repository contains documentation, samples and exercises for the Recursion Schemes workshop.
"these things are easier to use than understand" |
Slides from my presentation Recursion Schemes by example
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Recursive structures are a common pattern and most developers have worked with such data at least a few times.
sealed trait Json[+F]
object Json {
case object Null extends Json
final case class Bool (value: Boolean) extends Json[Nothing]
final case class Str (value: String) extends Json[Nothing]
final case class Num (value: Double) extends Json[Nothing]
final case class Arr[F](values: List[F]) extends Json[F]
final case class Obj[F](fields: List[(String, F)]) extends Json[F]
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.age > 25 AND UPPER( LIKE "J%"
FILTER: - source: SELECT -- selection: * -- from: users - criteria: AND - GT(u.age, 25) - LIKE( UPPER( J%)
sealed trait Expr
case class IntValue(v: Int) extends Expr
case class DecValue(v: Double) extends Expr
case class Sum(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
case class Multiply(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
case class Divide(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
def eval(e: Expr): Double =
e match {
case IntValue(v) => v.toDouble
case DecValue(v) => v
case Sum(e1, e2) => eval(e1) + eval(e2)
case Multiply(e1, e2) => eval(e1) * eval(e2)
case Divide(e1, e2) => eval(e1) / eval(e2)
Ideally we’d love to have something more elegant. We are looking for a tool which takes:
A recursive expression of type Expr,
a function which evaluates
Expr ⇒ Double
For examplecase Sum(d1, d2) ⇒ d1 + d2
Such tool evaluates whole expression to a Double
Types like Sum(a: Expr, b: Expr)
force us to deal only with Exprs.
Ideally we’d like to have our eval definition to look like:
// does not compile, but it's only an illustration of a direction
def eval(e: Expr): Double =
e match {
case Sum(dbl1: Double, dbl2: Double) => dbl1 + dbl2 // etc
Let’s make our expression polymorphic.
sealed trait Expr[A]
case class IntValue[A](v: Int) extends Expr[A]
case class DecValue[A](v: Double) extends Expr[A]
case class Sum[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
case class Multiply[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
case class Divide[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
That’s much better, because this allows us express our evaluations as:
def evalToDouble(exp: Expr[Double]): Double = exp match {
case IntValue(v) => v.toDouble
case DecValue(v) => v
case Sum(d1, d2) => d1 + d2
case Multiply(d1, d2) => d1 * d2
case Divide(d1, d2) => d1 / d2
Such evaluation is what we aim for, because it doesn’t look like recursion. It looks more like a set of rules, which we can apply to a recursive structure with some blackbox tool which will recursively build the result.
But let’s stop here for a while, because polymorphic expressions come with a cost… First, consider a trivial expression:
val intVal = IntValue[Unit](10) // Expr[Unit]
What about more complex expressions?
val sumExp: Expr[Expr[Unit]] =
IntValue[Unit](10), // Expr[Unit]
how to deal with types like Expr[Expr[Expr[A]]]
Let’s wrap in:
case class Fix[F[_]](unFix: F[Fix[F]])
val fixedIntExpr: Fix[Expr] = Fix(IntValue[Fix[Expr]](10))
The Fix
type allows us to represent any Expr[Expr[Expr….[A]]]
as Fix[Expr]
Wait, why did we need this`Fix` thing?
We wanted to use evaluation definition which doesn’t look like recursion.
We are looking for a tool which takes:
A recursive expression of type Expr,
a function which evaluates a single simple
Expr ⇒ Double
For examplecase Sum(d1, d2) ⇒ d1 + d2
To be able to express such rules, we needed to go from Expr
to Expr[A]
To avoid issues with nested types, we introduced Fix[Expr]
A generic foldRight for data stuctures. In case of recursive data, this means folding bottom-up:
val division =
Divide(DecValue(5.2), Sum(IntValue(10), IntValue(5)))
Divide Divide
/ \ / \
DecValue(5.2) Sum --> DecValue(5.2) Sum
/ \ / \
IntValue(10) IntValue(5) 10.0 5.0
Divide Divide
/ \ / \
DecValue(5.2) Sum --> 5.2 15.0
/ \
10.0 5.0
Divide --> 5.2 / 15.0
/ \
5.2 15.0
Going bottom-up, we use our set of rules on leafs, then we build higher nodes basing on lower nodes. Catamorphism is a generic tool, so you don’t have to implement it!
The Matryoshka library does catamorphism for you:
val recursiveExpr: Fix[Expr] = ??? // your tree
def evalToDouble(expr: Expr[Double]): Double
// the magic call
recursiveExpression.cata(evalToDouble) // returns Double
The .cata()
call runs the whole folding process and constructs
the final Double
value for you, provided just a set of rules for
indiviual node types.
Matryoshka’s .cata()
is a blackbox, but it has one more requirement.
It’s mechanism assumes that a Functor
instance is available for your datatype.
This means that you must provide a recipe for how to map Expr[A]
to Expr[B]
having a function f: A ⇒ B
For example to transform Sum[A](a1: A, a2: A)
into Sum[B](b1: B, b2: B)
you need
to do Sum(f(a1), f(a2))
. Such recipe has to be provided for all
possible cases of Expr
import scalaz.Functor
implicit val exprFunctor: Functor[Expr] = new Functor[Expr] {
override def map[A, B](expr: Expr[A])(f: A => B): Expr[B] = expr match {
case IntVal(v) => IntVal[B](v)
case Sum(a1, a2) => Sum(f(a1), f(a2))
case ... // etc.
This is finally all what we need! Here’s a summary of our ingredients:
4 & 5 are provided by Matryoshka.
Our evaluation function (point 3.) is called an Algebra. From Matryoshka:
type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A
def evalToDouble(expr: Expr[Double]): Double
val evalToDouble: Algebra[Expr, Double]
Remember this?
Fix(Sum(Fix(IntValue[Fix[Expr]](10)), Fix(IntValue[Fix[Expr]](5))))
There`s some syntax sugar to help:
Sum(IntValue[Fix[Expr]](10).embed, IntValue[Fix[Expr]](5).embed).embed
Handy especially for larger expressions (see exercise 03). To unpack from Fix
, you can
use unFix
val fixedSum: Fix[Expr] =
fixedSum.unFix match {
case Sum(...) =>
is fine, but instead use .project
which does the same, but is a more general
function which work on other recursive wrappers. Sorry for the spoiler, but Fix
is not
the only one around, and you don’t want to get tied directly to it!
Let’s say we have an Expr
and we want to optimize it to express Multiply(x, x)
as Square(x)
We’d like to have a tool which walks our tree and maps a given Expr
to another Expr
Divide Divide
/ \ / \
DecValue(5.2) Multiply --> DecValue(5.2) Square(10)
/ \
IntValue(10) IntValue(10)
We are looking for a function like:
def mapNode(t: Fix[Expr])(f: Fix[Expr] => Fix[Expr])
def optimize(expr: Fix[Expr]): Fix[Expr] = expr.project match {
case Multiply(a, b) if (a == b) => Square(a)
case other => other
val optimizedExpr = mapNode(exprTree)(optimize)
Matryoshka offers such a tool, and it’s called transCataT
val optimizedExpr: Fix[Expr] = exprTee.transCataT(optimize)
Sometimes our evaluation produces a wrapped value. Suppose we want to evaluate the
expression to a Double, but handle division by zero by wrapping the result in an Either
Here’s our new evaluation:
def evalToDouble(exp: Expr[Double]): \/[String, Double] = exp match {
case IntValue(v) => v.toDouble.right
case _ => ??? // etc
We can’t just use cata
, because cata
works with Algebra
type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A
// F[A] => M[A], where M[A] means Either[String, A]
def evalToDouble(exp: Expr[Double]): Either[String, Double]
is a function type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] ⇒ A
, while our new evaluation is
of type F[A] ⇒ M[A]
. If our evaluation has such signature, we can use cataM:
val correctExpr: Fix[Expr] =
val incorrectExpr: Fix[Expr] =
DecValue[Fix[Expr]](0.0).embed // !!!!!!!!
correctExpr.cataM(evalToDouble) // Right(6.2)
incorrectExpr.cataM(evalToDouble) // Left("Division by zero!")
However, there’s one more requirement. Our Functor[Expr]
is not enough, Matryoshka needs
a Traverse[Expr]
Instead of writing a Functor for your recursive data type, write a Traverse . It is
also a Functor , it’s pretty much the same amount of work, and it may become useful in case
you need cataM .
As we learned, cata is a bottom-up folding of a structure. Anamorphism works in the opposite direction
and allows to unfold a structure. For this we need the dual of Algebra
- Coalgebra
type Coalgebra[F[_], A] = A => F[A]
Such morphism is called an unfold, because it takes an object and recursively builds up a structure basing on it.
// Int => Expr[Int]
val toBinary: Coalgebra[Expr, Int] = (n: Int) =>
n match {
case 0 => IntValue(0)
case 1 => IntValue(1)
case 2 => IntValue(2)
case _ if n % 2 == 0 => Multiply(2, n / 2)
case _ => Sum(1, n - 1)
val toText: Algebra[Expr, String] = {
case IntValue(v) => v.toString
case Sum(a, b) => s"($a + $b)"
case Multiply(a, b) => s"($a * $b)"
// unfold with anamorphism
val expr = 31.ana.apply[Fix[Expr]](toBinary)
// and now fold with catamorphism
val binAsStr = expr.cata(toText) // (1 + (2 * (1 + (2 * (1 + (2 * (1 + 2)))))))
A composition of ana+cata is called hylomorphism
val binAsStr = 31.hylo(toText, toBinary)
Also a fold, very similar to catamorphism. However, it adds one more extra feature - with paramorphism, you not only build current state basing on evaluation of previous states, but you also have access to these states. Confusing? Here’s an example: Let’s say we want to use a special algorithm for a specific case:
We want to print (3 + -5)
as (5 - 3)
for better readability.
With cata, we don’t have enough information except Strings:
case Sum(left: String, right: String) => ??? // what was left and right before their evaluation?
Parsing Strings here doesn’t seem like a good idea. With para, we can use a richer kind of algebra:
case Sum((leftSrc, leftStr), (rightSrc, rightStr)) =>
leftSrc.project match {
case IntValue(a) =>
rightSrc.project match {
case IntValue(b) if a > 0 && b < 0 => s"($a - ${-b})"
case IntValue(b) if b > 0 && a < 0 => s"($b - ${-a})"
case _ => s"$leftStr + $rightStr"
case _ => s"$leftStr + $rightStr"
This is a different kind of Algebra: Expr[(Fix[Expr], String)] ⇒ String
, so it’s
F[(T, A)] ⇒ A
, where T
means Fix[Expr]
for this particular case.
To be more precise, it’s
type GAlgebra[W[_], F[_], A] = F[W[A]] => A
Where in our case F[W[A]]
is Expr[Tuple2[T, A]]
Paramorphism is useful when we need to know more about node’s childrens' structure in order to fully
evaulate that node.
Paramorphisms are generalized folds with access to the input argument corresponding to the most recent state of the computation.
However, para is limited, because we only know the source structure. If you need more, see histomorphism. But let’s take a break from morphisms and check out some other interesting concepts.
Cofree is a very broad concept. It’s actually a "comonad" with quite a few interesting attributes and applications.
For the sake of this course, let’s consider Cofree[S, A]
to be a pair of:
a value of type
A recursive expression
which can consist of … deeper elements of typeCofree
is often used to construct labelled expression. Each node in an expression gets an extra label (tag).
For a simple DSL:
sealed trait Expr[A]
case class IntValue[A](v: Int) extends Expr[A]
case class DecValue[A](v: Double) extends Expr[A]
case class Sum[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
case class Square[A](a: A) extends Expr[A]
we can label any Expr
with an ExprType
sealed trait ExprType
case object IntExpr extends ExprType
case object DecExpr extends ExprType
Our rules can be simple: a sum of integers is an integer. A sum of (int + dec) is a decimal. A square of a type
has the same type. A tagged expression is of type Cofree[Expr, ExprType]
. Such object cosists of:
head: ExprType
which is the tag (label) placed on the node. -
tail: Expr[Cofree[Expr, ExprType]]
which is the expression itself (Expr[A]
) whereA
is a deeper level ofCofree
We can recursively apply such labelling with catamorphism, using an Algebra[Expr, Cofree[Expr, ExprType]]
val inferType: Algebra[Expr, Cofree[Expr, ExprType]] = {
case IntValue(v) => Cofree.apply(IntExpr, IntValue(v))
case DecValue(v) => Cofree.apply(DecExpr, DecValue(v))
case Sum(a, b) => ??? // a: Cofree[Expr, ExprType]]
is much more than a tuple with extras. It’s a fixed-point operator. This means that it has the same power
as Fix
. Having an expression wrapped with Cofree
, we can apply morphisms directly to it!
val typedExpr: Cofree[Expr, ExprType] = expr.cata(inferType)
val toTypedStr: Algebra[EnvT[ExprType, Expr, ?], String] = { case EnvTexprType, Sum(a, b) ⇒ s"($a + $b): $exprType" // (3 + 5.5): DecValue case _ ⇒ "…" }
This reveals one more mystery - there are more fixed point operators than just Fix
and Cofree
Histomporphism is a fold which also provides something akin to a "pair". While in paramorphism for each node we
could access pairs of (child_evaluated + child_sourceExpression), in histomorphism we work with
(child_evaluated + child_tree). This child_tree can be traversed further down. To represent this whole pair, we
use Cofree
val smartPrint: GAlgebra[Cofree[Expr, ?], Expr, String] = {
case Square(Cofree(a: String, history: Expr[Cofree[Expr, String]])) =>
history match {
case Sum(Cofree(a, aHistory), Cofree(b, bHistory)) => ...
case _ => ...
case _ => ...
We can unpack
each node to desired depth, because history elements carry everything that has
been computed up to this point.
So far we considered Fix[]
to be a kind of type-level trick to deal with recursive expressions. For most applications
such approach should be enough. Here’s a bit more format explanation.
In math, a fixed point of a function f
is a value a
such that
f(a) == a
We can now say that fix
is a function such that
fix(f) == f(fix(f))
Does this look familiar? For types, we had:
val fix = Fix[Expr]
val expr: Expr[Fix[Expr]] = fix.unfix
Mu is a more restricted version of Fix
. It can be used to represent inductive finite data.
We can replace our previous usages of Fix
with Mu
sealed abstract class ListF[A, B]
final case class NilF[A, B]() extends ListF[A, B]
final case class ConsF[A, B](head: A, tail: B) extends ListF[A, B]
type List[A] = Mu[ListF[A, ?]]
Cofree is a vast subject in itself. It’s a "comonad" with many interesting properties, but
for the sake of this course we are interested in its recursive character. In a simplicit view, Cofree
some value of type
an expression with nested
In other words, Cofree
can be viewed as a recursive structure similar to Fix[Expr]
but with additional
labels (tags) placed on every node of our tree.
One example may be adding a type system to our DSL. This allows putting a "type" tag on each node of an expression
tree. For example, let’s decompose a Sum(IntVal(3), Sum(IntVal(5), DecVal(5.5)))
If we encode a rule that (Int + Dec)
has type Dec
, then our expression becomes:
Sum: Dec
/ \
/ Sum: Dec
/ / \
3: Int 5: Int 5.5: Dec
With recursion schemes, we can construct a Cofree
representing our expression with labels using catamorphism.
Then we can run further morphisms on a Cofree without referring to Fix
or any other wrapper, since Cofree
such a wrapper in itself. See exercises for examples.
Finally we can say that all mentioned types: Fix
, Mu
, Nu
, List
, Cofree
and others share common properties.
These properties are grouped under the Recursive[T]
and Corecursive[T]
typeclasses. These types are generalizations
which allow us to write even more abstract code and stay independent of particular wrapper type if it’s possible.
That’s why we learned to use .project
and .embed
- functions from these type classes, instead of unfix
which was
specific to Fix
Another interesting Birecursive[T]
(which means both Recursive
and Corecursive
) is Free
. Yes, that Free.
A free monad also can be run through morphisms! After all, free monads are often used to work with DSLs describing
some programs. Such program description is similar to our Expr[A]
If you’re familiar with free monads, you probably recognize foldMap
. It’s nothing more but a
Paweł Szulc: Going bananas with recursion schemes (
David Barri: Practical awesome recursion (
Greg Pfeil: Recursion schemes (
Quasar (
Blog: Maciek Makowski (