During the renovation of the last room in our house, I unfortunately forgot to lay a cable for the control of the floor heating.
The obvious solution is of course to switch the thermostats with Shelly relays and connect them via a Raspberry Pi Zero W using MQTT. The actual control runs on a NodeMCU ESP8266, which can also be addressed via MQTT.
This Android app is used to conveniently set the target temperature of the control. It can only be used in our local WLAN.
There is not much to see here.
The project is built on one of the standard templates from AndroidStudio. The MQTT connection is done via the Eclipse Paho framework.
The nice knob comes from another GitHub project and is just extended by a little something.
To actually use the app, an mqtt.properties file must be added as an asset. The necessary properties can be taken from the MqttHelper class.
The app uses the MQTT-Topic "softheat/configuration" for meta-configuration. This topic must return a JSON-encoded configuration object. It should be retained otherwise it won't work properly.
"version": "2021.1",
"currentTemperature": "shellies/shellyht-41234C/sensor/temperature",
"currentHumidity": "shellies/shellyht-41234C/sensor/humidity",
"currentBattery": "shellies/shellyht-41234C/sensor/battery",
"currentTemperature": "shellies/shellyht-41234C/sensor/temperature",
"heatingSwitchCommand": "shellies/shellyswitch25-90DD22/relay/0/command",
"targetTemperature": "softheat/target",
"targetTemperatureCommand": "softheat/target/command",
"mode": "softheat/mode"
The "version" property must contain exactly the value "2021.1". All other properties can be configured freely.
Copyright (c) 2021 Philipp Anné
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.