Supporting php 8
Storage bases on MySQL table. It can be use to edit settings from admin panel.
This extension has two classes:
- Config - storage for default settings
- RelatedConfig - storage for individual settings
Feel free to let me know what else you want added via:
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ php composer.phar require ancor/yii2-related-kv-storage
or add
"ancor/yii2-related-kv-storage": "dev-master"
to the require
section of your composer.json
Simple key-value storage with array-like access.
- this class is the basis for RelatedConfig
- array access to options (also countable and iterable)
- this class can be use as yii component in $app container
- this class is designed for inheritance and expansion
- autoload configuration from database, when during instance creating
Storage bases on MySQL table. It can be use to edit settings from admin panel.
'components' => [
'config' => [
'class' => 'ancor\relatedKvStorage\Config',
// default settings
// 'tableName' => '{{config}}',
// 'keyField' => 'key',
// 'valueField' => 'value',
Simple usage
Yii::$app->config[''] = true;
if (Yii::$app->config['']) { ... }
$config = Yii::$app->config;
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ' -> ' . $value . "\n";
Configurations was automatically loaded when instance created. But configurations will not be save automatically.
Yii::$app->config->attributes = [
'default.option-one' => true,
'default.option-two' => false,
// Can be get, but didn't store
echo Yii::$app->config['default.option-one']; // true
// For convenience, let's make some variable
$config = Yii::$app->config;
// Save to database
// let's change any value
$config['default.option-one'] = false;
echo $config['default.option-one']; // false
// And now, imagine that we need to reset changed values to default.
// Reload from database. Please note, ->save() was not fired.
echo $config['default.option-one']; // true
// If we need to array type
echo gettype($config->attributes); // array
Simple key-value storage like Config, but related to other entity
- This class inherits all features from [[\ancor\relatedKvStorage\Config]]
- Ideal for storing user preferences, and preferences need to has default values
The value is extracted in three steps
- Try to get current value from this(RelatedConfig) model.
- Try to get default value from common config component(Yii::$app->config).
- If the value has been not received will be returned null.
Please, create instance with help Yii::createObject() for configure instance.
It is best to use through model. Example for class User
use ancor\relatedKvStorage\RelatedConfig
class User extends ... {
* Get user configuration
* @return RelatedConfig
public function getConfig() {
$config = Yii::createObject([
'class' => RelatedConfig::className(),
'relationId' => $this->id,
// Default settings
// 'tableName' => '{{user_config}}',
// 'relationIdField' => 'user_id',
// 'configComponentName' => 'config',
// 'useCommonConfig' => true,
// set default global settings (use Config class)
Yii::$app->config->attributes = [
'user.dialogs.message-limit' => 100,
'user.friends.limit => 20,
$user = new User();
$user->config = [
// this option has not default value in global settings
'user.dialogs.allow-modify' => true,
// override default value from global settings
'user.friends.limit' => 50,
// Must have! ( getConfig() reload don't cache `config` object and reload every time. So we didn't do it )
// use current value
echo $user->config['user.dialogs.allow-modify']; // true
// override default, use current value
echo $user->config['user.friends.limit']; // 50
// have not current, use default value
echo $user->config['user.dialogs.message-limit']; // 100