- Add time stamps to a subtitle file in srt
When the subtitles of a subtitle file (in .srt
format) are not in synch with the movie,
one might want to resynchronize the subtitle file using some tool like the SubFix application. [option] [file]
This shell script takes as input a subtitle file (in .srt
format) and writes it on the standard output with some additions.
It inserts:
- in each existing subtitle,
- the precise beginning time of this subtitle,
- at some place in the existing subtitle, either:
- above its first line,
- or to the left of its first line,
- or to the right of its first line,
- or below its last line (by default).
It inserts:
- a new subtitle with the current time,
- every 1/10 s (by default),
- between existing subtitles.
Clone this repository or copy its files in some directory.
Both files "" and "add-time-to-srt.awk" must be in the same directory.
If this directory is referenced in the variable "$PATH" of your shell, you can launch the command with ...
otherwise, you'll have to type the full path path/to/dir/ ...
This script should run on any machine with bash
and awk
(macOS, linux, un*x, cygwin...).
It has originally been developped under OSX El Capitan 10.11.6 with GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin15) and awk version 20070501. As it does not use any known bashism, it could be run from any shell.
- Save the original subtitle file:
- Add timetags: -v end_time='01:30:00,000' >
Open the movie file (with VLC, for example)
- find the beginning time of the first subtitle (using the pause button)
- find the beginning time of the last subtitle (using the pause button)
Remove the file with superfluous subtitles:
- Launch the SubFix application.
- Open the original subtitle file
. - Fix the first and last subtitle times.
- Save the fixed subtitle file:
menu File > Save
- Open the original subtitle file
-v style=[top | left | right | bottom]
(default: 'bottom')
Choose the place to insert its timetag in an existing subtitle:
- top
: above its first line,
- left
: to the left of its first line,
- right
: to the right of its first line,
- bottom
: below its last line (by default).
-v delta='hh:mm:ss,xxx'
(default: '00:00:00,100' = 1/10th sec)
Choose the delay between new pure timetag subtitles.
-v end_time='hh:mm:ss,xxx'
When this option is present, insert new pure timetag subtitles after the last existing subtitle until the specified end_time
-v first_st_index=<n>
(default: 1)
Start the numbering of subtitles from the specified index.
-v start_time='hh:mm:ss,xxx'
(default: '00:00:00,000')
Start the new timetags from the specified time.
- Minimal command < >
- Print just five timetags with no input -v style=left -v start_time='00:00:01,000' \
-v delta='00:00:00,200' -v end_time='00:00:02,000' < /dev/null