An attempt to run full CI-CD stack on a single kube node, on any infrastructure.
Also a good lesson on how to integrate Terraform, Ansible and Helm together into an appliance.
Well, mostly so anybody can start developing and have subdomains
- kubeadm single node cluster
- kubernetes dashboard
- calico overlay networking. other ones commented out in script
- working helm 3.0
- traefik 1.x
- some form of CI/CD : Drone
- a DB/storage (Postgres)
- minio endpoint
- self-contained docker image registry
- rook-ceph setup for PV's to work (helm charts should work out of the box)
- 4GB of memory
- 3 cores
- 12+ GB of disk space
- Ubuntu Bionic
- sudo password
- no fancy network setup
- (optional) Vagrant installed
If you're a happy owner of a Xenial derivative of a Linux distro, clone the repo, and just do ./
- this will install basic one-node kubeadm cluster and needed prerequisites.
To install full CI stack, fire up ./
afterwards and then do cat /etc/hosts
to see what apps are available. For more details go to each app dir.
Go to the examples
directory, have a look around there.
Should be as simple as:
- Running
vagrant up
, assuming you've latest Vagrant installed
To connect to the VM, run vagrant ssh
, there should be kubectl already configured for you. To connect to any app with localhost web browser, check /etc/hosts
file for alias name, and then open http://ALIAS:1080
(as vagrant redirects port 80 VM -> port 1080 localhost for treafik ingress controller)
Traefik reverse proxy listens on a NodePort 30000/TCP in non-tls fashion, and ingress is being created to it at the script start (see ingress directory), so if all installed correctly, you just need to open up: http://dashboard.mykube.awesome/
Look into included examples dir. Send me a PR if you dockerize a cool app.
- Mac OSX - well you may try, I accept PRs, but probably it'll be easier to just use minikube on Docker Edge channel and strip up extras to be deployed on top of it
- Windows - NO
- Armhf/Arm64 (Raspberry/Odroid/100s others) - is kubeadm/helm/traefik available there yet ? Let's talk if you need that. Maybe k3sup someone?
Next things that would be handy to run on this:
- backups
- more desktop apps
- self-signed TLS
- templatize the whole lot using golang templates (,
- some auth servers for development (ldap + dex, keycloak)
- more storage support (druid, ES, cockroach, TiDB)
- bigdata/ML demos?
- example projects in various languages
- tracing/logging
- service mesh
- trove docker registry
- whatever else
- Running helm charts that use PV/PVCs - fixed when using rook-ceph
- Running services that want loadbalancers - not needed when using traefik
Well, here's an interesting concept maintaned at
For all projects that are used in this repo:
- Kubernetes (
- Drone CI (
- Minio (
- Vault (
- Helm (
- Gogs (
- Postgres
and many more.