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OpenTelemetry-based SolarWinds APM Java library


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This repository contains Solarwinds APM implementation that works with OpenTelemetry SDK and Auto agent. This is built on demo repo and added sub-projects by merging changes from (now archived)

Here is the summary of the sub-projects:

  • agent : Builds the full OT auto agent with extra Solarwinds APM components. This is simply a repackaging build script that pull OT agent and our sub-projects to construct a new auto agent
  • appoptics-opentelemetry-sdk : (most of which are archived as we have decided not to maintain backward-compatibility with AppOptics) Current it has only one API: the agent checker.
  • custom : Extra Solarwinds APM components, contains all custom functionality, SPI and other extensions (for example Sampler, Tracer Provider etc) to be loaded by OT's agent classloader
  • core-bootstrap : Core Solarwinds APM components that need to be made available to bootstrap classloader. This is important for appoptics-opentelemetry-sdk as the classes from appoptics-opentelemetry-sdk are loaded by app loader, which has no access to OT's agent classloader which loads custom
  • instrumentation : Additional instrumentation provided by us using the OT instrumentation framework (ByteBuddy)

More details for each of the sub-projects are listed in Sub-Projects section



Since this project has dependencies on various internal artifacts from joboe, the build machine would need access to those artifacts. Currently the Joboe core libraries for the OpenTelemetry custom distro are in the otel branch of the Joboe repo and are published to the Github Packages.

Agent Jars

Simply run gradle build at the root folder. (or run gradle publishToMavenLocal to publish to local maven repo)

The agent should be built at agent\build\libs\solarwinds-apm-agent.jar.


Agent Jar

Attach the agent to jvm process arg such as: -javaagent:"_the_path_to_the_jar_file" -Dotel.solarwinds.service.key=<service key here>

The service key can also be defined via the environment variable SW_APM_SERVICE_KEY or in the config file.

Upon successful initialization, the log should print such as:

[otel.javaagent 2021-06-30 13:04:07:759 -0700] [main] INFO com.appoptics.opentelemetry.extensions.AppOpticsTracerProviderCustomizer - Successfully initialized Solarwinds APM OpenTelemetry extensions with service key ec3d********************************************************5468:ot


The custom distro supports the standard OpenTelemetry APIs/SDKs. In addition to that, it also has an API to check if the agent is ready to use (and wait for a specified duration before it is ready). This is useful when you need to create traces manually.

The API can be called as below, which waits for at most 10 seconds before the agent is ready. AgentChecker.waitUntilAgentReady(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))


Various flags can be enabled to enable debugging. You can define the environment variable SW_APM_DEBUG_LEVEL to debug to print verbose logs. The OpenTelemetry core agent also provides an JVM argument -Dotel.javaagent.debug=true to enable detailed logs.


OT provides Muzzling which matches classes/fields/methods used by instrumentation vs the ones available on the running JVM. If there are any mismatch, the instrumentation will be silently disabled unless debugging flag such as below is provided in the JVM args:


Sub Projects


Repackages the OT original agent with our custom compoenents (such as Sampler, Tracer) and instrumentation. Custom shadowing (moving classes to inst folder and rename extension from class to classdata) is performed on sub project custom and instrumentation to make them available to the OT agent classloader.

This produces a new agent, that contains both the OT agent and our changes.

The advantage of this approach:

  1. More control over the OT agent logic, for example we can have another layer of agent and modify the OT agent entry point by changing the MANIFEST file
  2. Since this is a separate repo from the OT java instrumentation, we have loose coupling here. Updates from OT java instrumentation and changes in this repo are less likely to have conflicts with eachother.
  3. We can easily solve the classloading issue encountered in the extension approach as
  • Muzzling is relatively easy to invoke here, though we still need to manually copy the buildsrc to this project. Though there's plan to export the Muzzle plugin so external repo/project like this can run Muzzle directly as a plugin (as opposed to using buildsrc)
  • We no longer need to explicitly append core/metrics dependencies to bootstrap classpath, we simply need to include them as separate dependencies in agent gradle build. Such that they will be copied to the final agent w/o muzzling (ensure the core/metrics dependencies are compiledOnly for custom and instrumentation, which are muzzled by moving into inst folder with classfile extension). Since the final agent is appended to the bootstrap classloader by the OT bootstrap logic, our core/metrics classes will also be avaialble in bootstrap w/o extra work
  1. The startup jvm args are simplier as we can package most of the extra properties in AppOpticsPropertySource

The disadvantage of this approach:

  1. Whenever OT provides a newer version of agent, we will need to rebuild the agent on this repo too if we want the updates.


Currently it has only one API: the agent ready checker.


Our main implementation for OT SPI - which scans implementation using Java service loader. We provide our "implementation" to various OT services such as Sampler, Tracer to enable various AO specific features - AO sampling, profiling, detailed trace reporting/export etc. This also contains various intiailization code and resource files such as default config, SSL cert for gRPC to collector etc.

This is used by both the sub-projects agent and sdk-extensions


Similar to custom, but this contains core Solarwinds APM components that need to be made available to bootstrap classloader. This is important for appoptics-opentelemetry-sdk as classes from appoptics-opentelemetry-sdk are loaded by app loader, which has no access to OT's agent classloader which loads custom


Our custom instrumentation added on top of the existing OT auto agent instrumentation.

We follow the practice of exiting OT auto agent instrumentation which contains:

  • InstrumentationModule - declares a list of TypeInstrumentation for a particular module (for example JDBC). Take note that we need to override isHelperClass
public boolean isHelperClass(String className) {
  return className.startsWith("com.appoptics.opentelemetry.");

so the muzzle plugin will inject our Tracer to the application classloader

  • TypeInstrumentation- declares instrumentaiton point of what "Type" (class) and what criteria (method name match, annotations on method) should instrumentation (as Advices) be applied to
  • Advice - Advices defines what code to be injected to the instrumetnation points. Take note that even though Advices look very much like regular java code, they are actually translated to bytecode and injected on first classloading. Which means debug breakpoints on advice does not work. And code in advice also has various restrictions, see here for details. Therefore advice code is usually left simple and mostly delegate to Tracer which is regular java code
  • Tracer - Code that performs actual instrumentation action (ie extract useful KVs, construct and report spans etc)

A very good description of instrumentation with bytebuddy/OT can be found in here