This folder contains the Deby-based reference implementation of the Solidsense Core project for multiple boards. Deby is a reference distribution built with poky and meta-debian, a layer for the poky build system that allows cross-building file system images from Debian stable source packages.
- Input: Debian and kernel source code
- Build mechanism: bitbake with meta-debian
- Output: deployable base system and performing the function of an IoT gateway for Wirepas, BLE, LTE and Wi-Fi.
The list of supported boards for a specific version can be obtained by
using ls deby/poky/meta-cip-*
Currently, the following boards are supported:
- N6 indoor : n6gq n6gsdl
- N6 outdoor : n6gq n6gsdl
- N6 industrial : in6gq in6gsdl
- N8 indoor : imx8mnc
=> To create your solidsense-connect environnement, follow these steps:
- create this path folder on your workspace: ~/solidsense-connect/bin/
- install mender-artifact binary from (version 3.5.1) and put it in ~/solidsense-connect/bin/
- create this path in your workspace: ~/solidsense-connect/signing-private-keys
- generate private.key and public.key by following: mender doc
- copy the generated keys in ~/solidsense-connect/signing-private-keys
- clone the repo solidsense-connect-gateway from :
git clone
- create a new folder mender-cert in poky/meta-cip-sr-common
- copy and rename the generated public.key ~/solidsense-connect/signing-private-keys to meta-cip-sr-common/mender-cert/artifact-verify-key.pem
=> Install required packages:
Preference to use Debian 10 to build images
sudo apt update
sudo apt install chrpath diffstat texinfo libz-dev openjdk-11-jdk gawk python3-pip
pip3 install kas==2.5
=> To build your solidsense-connect images for all or a specific product:
- build images from poky directory to generate images by using: meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build -h
-H|--hardware <hardware type> :default is <all>
-p|--product <product> :default is <Solidsense>
-r|--release <release version> :default is <dev>
-d|--date <date> :default is <20220330>
-D|--docker :default is to not use docker
-i|--iteration <iteration> :default is <00>
-v|--variant <variant> :default is no specific variant
-c|--config <config> :default is <meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build.conf>
-C|--clean-meta :default is to not remove extra meta-* directories
-u|--usb-image :default is to not build bootable usb/sd images to flash eMMC
This option will enforce building of all images
- to build an image for N8 indoor, you can specify the N8 hardware imx8mnc:
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ ./meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build -H imx8mnc
- to build an image for N6 indoor/outdoor, you can specify the N6 hardware n6gsdl:
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ ./meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build -H n6gsdl
- to build an image for industrial N6, you can specify the N6 hardware in6gsdl:
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ ./meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build -H in6gsdl
- to build images for all solidsense families (default is all):
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ ./meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build
- Build configuration:
- Build Configuration:
- BB_VERSION = "1.42.0"
- BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux"
- NATIVELSBSTRING = "universal"
- TARGET_SYS = "aarch64-deby-linux"
- MACHINE = "imx8mnc"
- DISTRO = "deby"
- TUNE_FEATURES = "aarch64 cortexa53 crc"
- meta-cip-common = "meta-solidsense-products-sr:bcfd22185ae4f32792b8c6a4b326319019528767"
- meta-cip-sr-common = "master:df10d90d18f91c98112574ab2e83b4da03d33dea"
- meta-cip-sr-imx8mnc = "meta-solidsense-products-sr:bcfd22185ae4f32792b8c6a4b326319019528767"
- meta-debian = "patched-warrior:b65f27bf02273ec3f7304fa3c7a9901c725cc04d"
- meta-iot-cloud = "patched-warrior:8d15403f169b80786e85b5695ee37073a39ed835"
- meta-java = "patched-master-aarch64-fixes:61d0a138835f899fb99045eb6e6d493045bec950"
- meta-mender-core = "patched-warrior:81a8eb0a6e279056b029657eeee5c662718a2668"
- meta-filesystems
- meta-networking
- meta-oe
- meta-python = "warrior:a24acf94d48d635eca668ea34598c6e5c857e3f8"
- meta-readonly-rootfs-overlay = "master:c7b8a6fec1da23104299130f3ce17fea22dfda19"
- meta-virtualization = "warrior:6961097ff660eb32860fcd4d8eb29405be4c6766"
- meta
- meta-poky = "patched-warrior:e358fb931936d27225431fdd20948f73902687ca"
=> check logs: You can check logs while building images:
sdamaj@sdamaj:~/Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky$ tail -f deploy/logs/Solidsense-dev-yyyymmdd00/build-imx8mnc-yyyymmdd-hh\:mm
After build, all images will be generated in Solidsense-connect-gateway/poky/deploy/Solidsense-{tag}-yyymmdd00:
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 48957 Oct 17 12:36 imx6dl-hummingboard2-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 48263 Oct 17 12:34 imx6dl-solidsense-in6-a-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 47935 Oct 17 12:34 imx6dl-solidsense-in6-b-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 46756 Oct 17 12:34 imx6dl-solidsense-in6-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 50343 Oct 17 12:35 imx6q-hummingboard2-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 49500 Oct 17 12:34 imx6q-solidsense-in6-a-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 49172 Oct 17 12:34 imx6q-solidsense-in6-b-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 47993 Oct 17 12:34 imx6q-solidsense-in6-emmc-som-v15.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 66062 Oct 17 12:34 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 76282 Oct 17 12:34 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 490677248 Oct 17 12:36 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:34 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 490676224 Oct 17 12:36 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 463284473 Oct 17 12:34 imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 37696 Oct 17 12:34 imx8mn-compact.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 170664 Oct 17 12:34 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 189966 Oct 17 12:34 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482910208 Oct 17 12:36 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:34 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482909184 Oct 17 12:36 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 456088557 Oct 17 12:34 in6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 174816 Oct 17 12:34 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 194118 Oct 17 12:34 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482949632 Oct 17 12:36 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:34 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482948608 Oct 17 12:36 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 456089889 Oct 17 12:34 in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 168587 Oct 17 12:34 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 187889 Oct 17 12:35 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482884096 Oct 17 12:36 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:34 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482883072 Oct 17 12:36 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 456068552 Oct 17 12:35 n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 172739 Oct 17 12:35 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 192041 Oct 17 12:35 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482878976 Oct 17 12:37 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:35 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482877952 Oct 17 12:37 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 456068540 Oct 17 12:35 n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 180857 Oct 17 12:35 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 200127 Oct 17 12:36 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.manifest.lic
-rw------- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482523136 Oct 17 12:37 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 2284 Oct 17 12:36 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.bmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 482522112 Oct 17 12:37 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender.unsigned
-rw-r--r-- 1 sdamaj sdamaj 455698810 Oct 17 12:36 solidsense-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.tar.gz
If your build failed after following this procedure, ensure that:
* Using Debian 10
* bitbake will not run as root - had to create user in docker container
* kas is found in /usr/local/bin - had to modify meta-cip-sr-common/scripts/build
* Debian requires additional dependencies - cpio python2 python2.7 unzip wget
* Build requires "python2" to be in the /usr/bin directory - had to create symbolic link to /usr/bin/python2.7
* If the build gets in a bad state, clean it by removing build, deploy, and poky from the poky directory
* System needs to support the en_US.UTF-8 locale - had to install locales and generate this locale using dpkg-reconfigure locales
This is an example how to updating a SolidSense N6 board.
Download the last N6 image mender on your board and install it following theses commands:
# mender install
# mender -commit
# /opt/scripts/restart --wipe
After boot, Kura will be available after 4 minutes. You can check your configuration by taping https://serial_number_of_your_gateway
or https://ip_address_board
on your navigator.
If you dont able to load Kura from browser
# /opt/scripts/restart --config
Wait for reboot, kura will be available after 4 minutes.
- N6 indoor : n6gq n6gsdl
- N6 outdoor : n6gq n6gsdl
- N6 industrial : in6gq in6gsdl
Product | Informations |
SRG0001 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Dual core-WiFi |
SRG0002 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Dual core-WiFi -LTE C4 EU |
SRG0003 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Quad core-WiFi -LTE C4 EU |
SRG0004 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Dual core-WiFi -LTE C4 US |
SRG0005 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Single core-WiFi -LTE C4 US |
SRG0006 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Dual core-WiFi -LTE C4 AU |
SRG0007 | SolidSense N6 Edge Gateway Indoor - Quad core-WiFi -LTE C4 US |
- N8 indoor : imx8mnc
- N8 outdoor : coming soon
- N8 industrial : BOM in progress
Product | Informations |
SRG0400 | SolidSense N8 Compact - Test version fully equiped |
SRG0401 | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi BLE |
SRG0402 | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi LTE BLE |
SRG0403 | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi Extended |
SRG0404 | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi LTE Extended |
SRG0405.01SD | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi BLE-UBLOX LTE RS485 CAN ETH-Atheros |
SRG0405.02SD | SolidSense N8 Compact - WiFi BLE-FWM LTE POE RS485 CAN ETH-ADIN |
unsigned images
: images
Solidsense-connect N6 dual indoor/outdoor
: n6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.menderSolidsense-connect N6 quad indoor/outdoor
: n6gq-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.menderSolidsense-connect N6 dual insdustrial
: in6gsdl-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.menderSolidsense-connect compact (ex N8)
: imx8mnc-core-image-minimal-Solidsense-2.1.0-rc3-2023101700.mender
- Kernel 5.4.47
- Wi-Fi Broadcom Combo: Wifi / BLE for N8
- Wi-Fi TI Combo: WiFi/BLE for N6
- wpa_supplicant v2.7
- Sink Nordic: Transport Layer
- Kura 5.1.0
- Mqtt 3.1.1
- Java JDK11
- Python v3.7
- Mender v2.6
- Docker v18.09.3
- Wirepas 4.x and 5.x firmwares for the sinks are not integrated into the images.
- You need to buy licences from SoliSense-Connect marketing service to flush the sinks.
- wirepas 4.x is not compatible with wirepas 5.x.
- Samer Damaj
- Anthony Pauthonnier