Clone this repo, then
git clone
Go to nixos-config
cd nixos-config
For NixOS
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .
For HomeManager
First time running home-manager
nix run home-manager/master -- switch --flake .
After the initial activation has completed successfully
home-manager switch --flake .
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font
- Configure MacOs Specific Settings
- Open Several Desktops (~7) on Your Machine
- Go To Keyboard Settings > Shortcuts > Mission Control
- Expand Mission Control and Turn On Shortcuts for Switching Spaces 1-7 with “Ctrl + # Of Space”
- Go to System Settings > Accessibility > Display
- Turn On Reduce Motion
- Go To System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Mission Control
- Turn off “Automatically Rearrange Spaces Based On Most Recent Use”
- Only keep “Displays Have Separate Spaces” turned on here
- Open iTerm2
- Download my color profile by running the following command (will be added to Downloads folder):
curl --output ~/Downloads/kanagawabones.itermcolors
- Open iTerm2 preferences
- Go to Profiles > Colors
- Import the downloaded color profile
- Select the color profile
- Open iTerm2
- Open iTerm2 preferences
- Go to profiles
- Go to General
- Go to Command -> Custom Shell
- Insert
- Open iTerm2
- Open iTerm2 preferences
- Go to profiles
- Go to Keys
- Go to Key mappings
- Go to Presets -> select
Natural Text Editing
- Open iTerm2
- Open iTerm2 preferences
- Go to General
- Go to Closing -> enable
Quit when all windows are closed
- Sync VSCode with GitHub account
- For VS Code
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- Restart laptop