v1.1.0 (2020-05-22)
Closed issues:
- Dependabot couldn't find a Gemfile-local for this project #49
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #47
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #46
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #45
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #44
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #43
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #42
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #41
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #40
Merged pull requests:
- Update gem to the latest version of solidus_dev_support #55 (aldesantis)
- Relax solidus_support dependency #53 (kennyadsl)
- Fix Dependabot looking for Gemfile-local #51 (aldesantis)
- Upgrade the extension using solidus_dev_support #48 (blocknotes)
- Verify Request Format #39 (mamhoff)
- Adopt solidus_extension_dev_tools #38 (aldesantis)
- Adopt CircleCI instead of Travis #31 (aldesantis)
- Update Ruby and Solidus versions #30 (aldesantis)
- Update travis and rakefile #29 (jtapia)
- Add support for latest Solidus versions #27 (jtapia)
- Dynamic schema #26 (aldesantis)
- Make feed headers configurable #25 (aldesantis)
- Add brand and MPN tags for Google Merchant feed #24 (aldesantis)
- Remove Solidus v2.3 from Travis config (EOL) #23 (aitbw)
- Extension maintenance #22 (aitbw)
- Fix specs #20 (kennyadsl)
- Remove versions past EOL from .travis.yml #19 (jacobherrington)
- Add Solidus 2.7 to .travis.yml #18 (jacobherrington)
- Use ffaker instead of faker #17 (jhawthorn)
v1.0.0 (2016-08-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for Solidus 2.0 and Rails 5 #12 (jhawthorn)
- Bring the feed more in line with the spec #10 (jarednorman)
- Add a note on versions #9 (jhawthorn)
- Extract feed logic to class #7 (jarednorman)
v0.1.0 (2016-05-10)
Merged pull requests:
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator