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YARD was tying all these docs to the Spree module rather than the things
that they were actually supposed to document.
  • Loading branch information
jarednorman committed May 7, 2015
1 parent 5588699 commit 57248d3
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Showing 13 changed files with 93 additions and 83 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions core/app/helpers/spree/store_helper.rb
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the frontend.
module Spree
# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the
# frontend.
module StoreHelper

# helper to determine if its appropriate to show the store menu
# @return [Boolean] true when it is appropriate to show the store menu
def store_menu?
%w{thank_you}.exclude? params[:action]
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45 changes: 23 additions & 22 deletions core/app/models/spree/adjustment.rb
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@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
# Adjustments represent a change to the +item_total+ of an Order. Each adjustment
# has an +amount+ that can be either positive or negative.
# Adjustments can be "opened" or "closed".
# Once an adjustment is closed, it will not be automatically updated.
# Boolean attributes:
# +mandatory+
# If this flag is set to true then it means the the charge is required and will not
# be removed from the order, even if the amount is zero. In other words a record
# will be created even if the amount is zero. This is useful for representing things
# such as shipping and tax charges where you may want to make it explicitly clear
# that no charge was made for such things.
# +eligible?+
# This boolean attributes stores whether this adjustment is currently eligible
# for its order. Only eligible adjustments count towards the order's adjustment
# total. This allows an adjustment to be preserved if it becomes ineligible so
# it might be reinstated.
module Spree
# Adjustments represent a change to the +item_total+ of an Order. Each
# adjustment has an +amount+ that can be either positive or negative.
# Adjustments can be "opened" or "closed". Once an adjustment is closed, it
# will not be automatically updated.
# == Boolean attributes
# 1. *mandatory*
# If this flag is set to true then it means the the charge is required and
# will not be removed from the order, even if the amount is zero. In other
# words a record will be created even if the amount is zero. This is
# useful for representing things such as shipping and tax charges where
# you may want to make it explicitly clear that no charge was made for
# such things.
# 2. *eligible?*
# This boolean attributes stores whether this adjustment is currently
# eligible for its order. Only eligible adjustments count towards the
# order's adjustment total. This allows an adjustment to be preserved if
# it becomes ineligible so it might be reinstated.
class Adjustment < Spree::Base
belongs_to :adjustable, polymorphic: true, touch: true
belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions core/app/models/spree/calculator/free_shipping.rb
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@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# TODO: Deprecate this class.
# This calculator will be removed in future versions of Spree.
# The only case where it was used was for Free Shipping Promotions.
# There is now a Promotion Action which deals with these types of promotions instead.
module Spree
# @deprecated This calculator will be removed in future versions of Spree.
# The only case where it was used was for Free Shipping Promotions. There is
# now a Promotion Action which deals with these types of promotions instead.
class Calculator::FreeShipping < Calculator
def self.description
Expand All @@ -19,4 +18,4 @@ def compute(object)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/app/models/spree/gateway/bogus_simple.rb
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Bogus Gateway that doesn't support payment profiles
module Spree
# Bogus Gateway that doesn't support payment profiles.
class Gateway::BogusSimple < Gateway::Bogus

def payment_profiles_supported?
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion core/app/models/spree/legacy_user.rb
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Default implementation of User. This class is intended to be modified by extensions (ex. spree_auth_devise)
module Spree
# Default implementation of User.
# @note This class is intended to be modified by extensions (ex.
# spree_auth_devise)
class LegacyUser < Spree::Base
include UserAddress
include UserPaymentSource
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions core/app/models/spree/order_promotion.rb
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# Spree::OrderPromotion represents the relationship between:
# 1. A promotion that a user attempted to apply to their order
# 2. The specific code that they used
module Spree
# Spree::OrderPromotion represents the relationship between:
# 1. A promotion that a user attempted to apply to their order
# 2. The specific code that they used
class OrderPromotion < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'spree_orders_promotions'

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/app/models/spree/promotion/rules/item_total.rb
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# A rule to apply to an order greater than (or greater than or equal to)
# a specific amount
module Spree
class Promotion
module Rules
# A rule to apply to an order greater than (or greater than or equal to)
# a specific amount
class ItemTotal < PromotionRule
preference :amount_min, :decimal, default: 100.00
preference :operator_min, :string, default: '>'
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions core/app/models/spree/promotion/rules/product.rb
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@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# A rule to limit a promotion based on products in the order.
# Can require all or any of the products to be present.
# Valid products either come from assigned product group or are assingned directly to the rule.
module Spree
class Promotion
module Rules
# A rule to limit a promotion based on products in the order. Can
# require all or any of the products to be present. Valid products
# either come from assigned product group or are assingned directly to
# the rule.
class Product < PromotionRule
has_and_belongs_to_many :products, class_name: '::Spree::Product', join_table: 'spree_products_promotion_rules', foreign_key: 'promotion_rule_id'

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16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions core/app/models/spree/promotion_action.rb
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@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
# Base class for all types of promotion action.
# PromotionActions perform the necessary tasks when a promotion is activated by an event and determined to be eligible.
module Spree
# Base class for all types of promotion action.
# PromotionActions perform the necessary tasks when a promotion is activated
# by an event and determined to be eligible.
class PromotionAction < Spree::Base

belongs_to :promotion, class_name: 'Spree::Promotion'

scope :of_type, ->(t) { where(type: t) }

# This method should be overriden in subclass
# Updates the state of the order or performs some other action depending on the subclass
# options will contain the payload from the event that activated the promotion. This will include
# the key :user which allows user based actions to be performed in addition to actions on the order
# Updates the state of the order or performs some other action depending on
# the subclass options will contain the payload from the event that
# activated the promotion. This will include the key :user which allows
# user based actions to be performed in addition to actions on the order
# @note This method should be overriden in subclassses.
def perform(options = {})
raise 'perform should be implemented in a sub-class of PromotionAction'
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/app/models/spree/promotion_rule.rb
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Base class for all promotion rules
module Spree
# Base class for all promotion rules
class PromotionRule < Spree::Base
belongs_to :promotion, class_name: 'Spree::Promotion', inverse_of: :promotion_rules

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions core/app/models/spree/stock/adjuster.rb
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# Used by Prioritizer to adjust item quantities
# see prioritizer_spec for use cases
module Spree
module Stock
# Used by Prioritizer to adjust item quantities.
# See spec/models/spree/stock/prioritizer_spec.rb for use cases.
class Adjuster
attr_accessor :inventory_unit, :status, :fulfilled

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49 changes: 24 additions & 25 deletions core/lib/spree/testing_support/controller_requests.rb
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@@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
# Use this module to easily test Spree actions within Spree components
# or inside your application to test routes for the mounted Spree engine.
# Inside your spec_helper.rb, include this module inside the RSpec.configure
# block by doing this:
# require 'spree/testing_support/controller_requests'
# RSpec.configure do |c|
# c.include Spree::TestingSupport::ControllerRequests, :type => :controller
# end
# Then, in your controller tests, you can access spree routes like this:
# require 'spec_helper'
# describe Spree::ProductsController do
# it "can see all the products" do
# spree_get :index
# end
# end
# Use spree_get, spree_post, spree_put or spree_delete to make requests
# to the Spree engine, and use regular get, post, put or delete to make
# requests to your application.
module Spree
module TestingSupport
# Use this module to easily test Spree actions within Spree components or
# inside your application to test routes for the mounted Spree engine.
# Inside your spec_helper.rb, include this module inside the
# RSpec.configure block by doing this:
# require 'spree/testing_support/controller_requests'
# RSpec.configure do |c|
# c.include Spree::TestingSupport::ControllerRequests, :type => :controller
# end
# Then, in your controller tests, you can access spree routes like this:
# require 'spec_helper'
# describe Spree::ProductsController do
# it "can see all the products" do
# spree_get :index
# end
# end
# Use spree_get, spree_post, spree_put or spree_delete to make requests to
# the Spree engine, and use regular get, post, put or delete to make
# requests to your application.
module ControllerRequests
def spree_get(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_spree_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "GET")
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19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions core/lib/spree/testing_support/i18n.rb
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@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# This file exists solely to test whether or not there are missing translations
# within the code that Spree's test suite covers.
# If there is a translation referenced which has no corresponding key within the
# .yml file, then there will be a message output at the end of the suite showing
# that.
# If there is a translation within the locale file which *isn't* used in the
# test, this will also be shown at the end of the suite run.
module Spree
# This file exists solely to test whether or not there are missing translations
# within the code that Spree's test suite covers.
# If there is a translation referenced which has no corresponding key within the
# .yml file, then there will be a message output at the end of the suite showing
# that.
# If there is a translation within the locale file which *isn't* used in the
# test, this will also be shown at the end of the suite run.

class << self
attr_accessor :used_translations, :missing_translation_messages,
:unused_translations, :unused_translation_messages
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