is an extension that adds support for using Braintree as a payment source in your Solidus store. It uses Braintree's JavaScript v3 SDK to support the following Braintree payment method types:
Add solidus_braintree to your Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_braintree'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g solidus_braintree:install
Here are the versions of SolidusBraintree and their compatible Solidus and frontend versions:
Version | Maintenance Status | Frontend | Branch |
SolidusBraintree 3.0 | New features | SolidusStarterFrontend | main |
SolidusBraintree 2.0 | Security patches, bug fixes | SolidusFrontend | v2.x |
SolidusBraintree 1.2 | Deprecated | SolidusFrontend | v1.x |
You'll need the following account details:
Merchant ID
Public key
Private key
These values can be obtained by logging in to your Braintree account, going
to Account -> My User
and clicking View Authorizations
in the API Keys,
Tokenization Keys, Encryption Keys section.
Payment methods can accept preferences either directly entered in admin, or from a static source in code. For most projects we recommend using a static source, so that sensitive account credentials are not stored in the database.
- Set static preferences in an initializer
# config/initializers/spree.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
'braintree_credentials', {
environment: Rails.env.production? ? 'production' : 'sandbox',
paypal_flow: 'vault', # 'checkout' is accepted too
use_data_collector: true # Fingerprint the user's browser when using Paypal
Other optional preferences are discussed below.
to SolidusBraintree::Gateway -
Click "Save"
from thePreference Source
select -
to save
Alternatively, create a payment method from the Rails console with:
name: "Braintree",
preference_source: "braintree_credentials"
Your payment method can accept payments in three ways: through Paypal, through ApplePay, or with credit card details entered directly by the customer. By default all are disabled for all your site's stores. Before proceeding to checkout, ensure you've created a Braintree configuration for your store:
Visit /solidus_braintree/configurations/list
Check the payment types you'd like to accept. If your site has multiple stores, there'll be a set of checkboxes for each.
Save changes
to save
Or from the console:
Spree::Store.all.each do |store|
credit_card: true,
paypal: true,
apple_pay: true,
venmo: true
If your site uses an unmodified Solidus Starter Frontend, it should now be ready to take payments. See below for more information on configuring Paypal and ApplePay.
Typical Solidus sites will have customized frontend code, and may require some additional work. Use
as models.
You'll need the following:
- A device running iOS 10+.
- An Apple Pay sandbox account. You can check out Apple's documentation for additional help in performing this step.
- A site served via HTTPS. To set this up for development we recommend setting up a reverse proxy server. There are lots of guides on how this can be achieved.
- A Braintree sandbox account with Apple Pay enabled (
) and configured (Settings>Processing>Options
) with your Apple Merchant ID and the HTTPS domain for your site. - A sandbox user logged in to your device, with a test card in its Wallet
The following is a relatively bare-bones implementation to enable Apple Pay on the frontend:
<% if current_store.braintree_configuration.apple_pay? %>
<script src=""></script>
<button id="apple-pay-button" class="apple-pay-button"></button>
var applePayButtonElement = document.getElementById('apple-pay-button');
var applePayOptions = {
paymentMethodId: <%= id %>,
storeName: "<%= %>",
orderEmail: "<%= %>",
amount: "<%= %>",
shippingContact: {
emailAddress: '<%= %>',
givenName: '<%= address.firstname %>',
familyName: '<%= address.lastname %>',
phoneNumber: '<%= %>',
addressLines: ['<%= address.address1 %>','<%= address.address2 %>'],
locality: '<%= %>',
administrativeArea: '<%= %>',
postalCode: '<%= address.zipcode %>',
country: '<%= %>',
countryCode: '<%= %>'
var button = new SolidusBraintree.createApplePayButton(applePayButtonElement, applePayOptions);
<% end %>
Braintree has some excellent documentation on what you'll need to do to get Apple Pay up and running.
For additional information check out Apple's documentation and Braintree's documentation.
There are two ways for users to use Venmo for payments:
- Braintree's native Venmo integration, which supports vaulting of payment sources. See more.
- Through the PayPal buttons when using checkout flow, therefore doesn't support vaulting. See more.
To add Venmo for PayPal, see here
- Only available as a financing option on the checkout page; Venmo currently does not support shipping callbacks so it cannot be on the cart page.
- Currently available to US merchants and buyers and there are also other prequisites.
- Enable Venmo in your Braintree account
- Enable Venmo in your store's Braintree configuration.
- Ensure your Braintree API credentials are in the Braintree payment method.
- Set your Braintree payment method's preference of
if your store cannot handle Venmo returning a user to a new tab after payment. This may be because your website is a single-page applicaiton (SPA). On mobile, the user may be returned to the same store tab if their browser supports it, otherwise a new tab will be created (unless you have this preference asfalse
By default your default Venmo business account will be used. If you want to use a non-default profile, override
the SolidusBraintree::Gateway
method with its id.
Test the following scenarios:
- Ensure the Venmo checkout button opens a modal with a QR code and is closeable.
- Do a full transaction
- Ensure that you can also save the payment source in the user wallet.
- Ensure the saved Venmo wallet payment source loads in the partial correctly.
- Ensure the saved Venmo payment source can be reused for another order.
- Test doing transactions on the admin
- Testing voiding and refunding Venmo transactions
You'll need the Venmo app in order to fully test the integration. However, if you are outside of the US, this is not an option. You can fake the tokenization by:
- Altering the
file to call thehandleVenmoSuccess
function instead of tokenizing; or - Manually doing its steps:
- Update the #venmo_payment_method_nonce hidden input value to "fake-venmo-account-nonce".
- Remove the disabled attributes from the venmo-fields inputs.
- If you have hosted fields on the page (
enabled in Braintree configuration), remove it's submit button listener:$('#checkout_form_payment').off('submit');
In your store's Braintree configuration, you can customize the Venmo checkout button's color and width.
Note, other images such as Venmo's full logo and shortened "V" logo are included in the assets.
Ensure that you follow Venmo's guidelines when making other style changes, otherwise failing to comply can lead to an interruption of your Venmo service.
A default checkout view is provided that will display PayPal as a payment option.
It will only be displayed if the SolidusBraintree::Gateway
method is configured to display on the frontend and PayPal is enabled in the
store's configuration.
You can find button configuration options in
if you want to change the color,
shape, layout, and a few other options. For more information check out
PayPal's documentation.
Keep in mind that:
does not work when thepaypal_button_layout
is set tovertical
, and will be ignored; andpaypal_button_layout
limits financing options/buttons to 2, where asvertical
is 4. Other available financing options after the limit will not be rendered in the PayPal's iframe DOM.
The checkout view initializes the PayPal button using the Vault flow, which allows the source to be reused. Please note that PayPal messaging is disabled with vault flow. If you want, you can use Checkout with PayPal instead, which doesn't allow you to reuse sources but allows your customers to pay with their PayPal balance and with PayPal financing options (see setup instructions). More information about other financing options below.
If you are creating your own checkout view or would like to customize the
options that get passed to tokenize
, you can initialize your own using the CreatePaypalButton
JS object:
var paypalOptions = {
// your configuration options here
var button = new SolidusBraintree.createPaypalButton(document.querySelector("#your-button-id"), paypalOptions);
A PayPal button can also be included on the cart view to enable express checkouts:
render "spree/shared/paypal_cart_button"
When using 'checkout' paypal flow
and not 'vault'. Your customers can have different finance options such as
- paylater
- Venmo
Venmo is currently available to US merchants and buyers. There are also other prequisites.
By default, the extension and Braintree will try to render a Venmo button to buyers when prequisites are met and you have enabled it in your Braintree account).
Set the SolidusBraintree PaymentMethod
preference to:
, available as a PayPal funding option (if other prequisites are met); ordisabled
Note, Venmo is currently only available as a financing option on the checkout page; Venmo currently does not support shipping callbacks so it cannot be on the cart page.
As Venmo is only available in the US, you may want to mock your location for testing
PayPal offers an on-site messaging component to notify the customer that there are financing options available. This component is included in both the cart and checkout partials, but is disabled by default. To enable this option, you'll need to use the checkout
flow, and set the paypal button messaging
option to true
in your Braintree configuration.
You can also include this view partial to implement this messaging component anywhere - for instance, on the product page:
render "spree/shared/paypal_messaging, options: {total: @product.price, placement: "product", currency: 'USD'}"
While we provide the messaging component on the payment buttons for cart and checkout, you're expected to move these to where they make the most sense for your frontend. PayPal recommends keeping the messaging directly below wherever the order or product total is located.
If your store requires the phone number into user addresses you'll need to configure PayPal to return the phone back when it returns the address used by the user:
- Log into your PayPal account
- Hover over the user in the Navbar to get the dropdown
- Click on Account Settings
- In the left panel under Products & Services, click Website Payments
- Click Update for Website Preferences
- Set Contact Telephone to
On (Required Field)
orOn (Optional Field)
Using the option Off
will not make the address valid and will raise a
validation error.
For fraud prevention, PayPal recommends using a data collector to collect device
information, which we've included by default. You're able to turn off the PayPal
data collector on the payment method preferences if you desire. If you use
static preferences, add use_data_collector: false
to your initializer.
You can style the Braintree credit card fields by using the credit_card_fields_style
preference on the payment method. The credit_card_fields_style
will be passed to the style
key when initializing the credit card fields. You can find more information about styling hosted fields can be found here.
You can also use the placeholder_text
preference on the payment method to set the placeholder text you'd like to use for each of the hosted fields. You'll pass the field name in as the key, and the placeholder text you'd like to use as the value. For example:
{ number: "Enter card number", cvv: "Enter CVV", expirationDate: "mm/yy" }
This gem supports 3D Secure 2, which satisfies the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements introduced by PSD2.
3D Secure can be enabled from Solidus Admin -> Braintree (left-side menu) -> tick 3D Secure checkbox.
Once enabled, you can use the following card numbers to test 3DS 2 on your client side in sandbox:
The payment method also provides an optional preference merchant_currency_map
This preference allows users to provide different Merchant Account Ids for
different currencies. If you only plan to accept payment in one currency, the
defaut Merchant Account Id will be used and you can omit this option.
An example of setting this preference can be found
In addition to this, you can also specify different PayPal accounts for each
currency by using the paypal_payee_email_map
preference. If you only want
to use one PayPal account for all currencies, then you can ignore this option.
You can find an example of setting this preference here.
The migrations for this gem will add a default configuration to all stores that
has each payment type disabled. It also adds a before_create
callback to
that builds a default configuration. You can customize the
default configuration that gets created by overriding the private
method on Spree::Store
To run the specs it is required to set the Braintree test account data in these environment variables:
First bundle your dependencies, then run rake
. rake
will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs, and Rubocop static code analysis. The dummy app can be regenerated by using rake test_app
bundle exec rake
When testing your applications integration with this extension you may use it's factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'solidus_braintree/factories'
PayPal looks at the buyer's IP geolocation to determine what funding sources should be available to them. Because for example, Venmo is currently only available to US buyers. Because of this, you may want to pretend that you are from US so you can check if Venmo is correctly integrated for these customers. To do this, set the payment method's preference of force_buyer_country
to "US". See more information about preferences above.
This preference has no effect on production.
To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run bin/sandbox
. The path for
the sandbox app is ./sandbox
and bin/rails
will forward any Rails commands to
Here's an example:
$ bin/rails server
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 7.0.4 application starting in development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Please refer to the dedicated page on Solidus wiki.
Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Stembolt and others contributors, released under the New BSD License