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A client for fetching and bookmarking Super Mario Maker courses.


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Super Mario Maker Client

A client for fetching and bookmarking Super Mario Maker courses.


Super Mario Maker Client will fetch course data from the Super Mario Maker bookmark portal site. ( It will also allow you to use your Nintendo Network ID and password to log in and bookmark courses to play immediately in game on your Wii U console.

Future planned features for Super Mario Maker Client include searching for courses, viewing rankings, and anything else you can do from the Super Mario Maker bookmark portal site.

Note: The Super Mario Maker bookmark portal site does not provide a convenient data API for retrieving this data so Super Mario Maker Client must consume the same HTML that is presented to web browsers. Super Mario Maker Client's functionality could break if and when Nintendo makes changes to the Super Mario Maker bookmark portal site.

Fetching Course Data

If all you want is course data, begin by importing the fetchCourse function:

import {
} from 'super-mario-maker-client';

The fetchCourse function accepts two arguments:

  • courseId: A 16-digit course id including hyphens
  • callbackFunction: A function that accepts two arguments:
    • error: Either an Error instance or null
    • course: Either a course object or undefined if an error occurred
fetchCourse(courseId, (error, course) => {
    if (error) {
        // handle error

    // consume course data

The course object will contain all of the data that could be found in the HTML. It may contain any or all of the following properties:

  • attempts: The number of attempts that have been made on this course
  • cleardBy: An array of players that have cleared this course
  • cleared: This will be true if the logged in user has cleared this course
  • clearRate: The clear rate as a number from 0 to 100
  • clears: The number of clears on this course
  • courseId: The course id
  • createdAt: A string indicating when the course was created. It may be a date like 11/29/2015 or a relative time like 7 days ago.
  • creator: The player that created this course
  • csrfToken: This is an authentication token that is required to bookmark the course. It will be different every time.
  • difficulty: The difficulty of this course. It will be one of easy, normal, expert, or superExpert.
  • firstClearBy: The player who first cleared this course
  • gameStyle: The game style used by this course. It will be one of superMarioBros, superMarioBros3, superMarioWorld, or newSuperMarioBrosU.
  • imageUrl: The URL of this course's image
  • miiversePostUrl: The URL of this course's Miiverse post
  • players: The number of players who have played this course
  • recentPlayers: An array of players who have played this course
  • starredBy: An array of players who have starred this course
  • stars: The number of stars on this course
  • tag: This course's tag
  • thumbnailUrl: The URL of this course's thumbnail
  • title: The title of this course
  • tweets: The number of times this course has been shared on Twitter
  • uploadDate: A Date object for when this course was uploaded. If createdAt is a date string, that date will be used and the time will be set to midnight in your local timezone. If createdAt is a relative time, that amount of time will be subtracted from now.
  • yourBestTime: The fastest time that the logged in user cleared this course. This is measured in milliseconds.
  • worldRecord: The world record for this course.

Each player object may contain any or all of the following properties:

  • country: Abbreviation of the player's country
  • medals: The number of medals the player has been awarded. This is usually only set for the course creator.
  • miiIconUrl: The URL of this player's mii icon
  • miiName: The name of this player's mii

The worldRecord object may contain any or all of the following properties:

  • player: The player who holds the world record for this course.
  • time: The world record time. This is measured in milliseconds.

Logging In

In order to access all the features of Super Mario Maker Client, you will need to log in with your Nintendo Network ID and password. Begin by importing the logIn function:

import {
} from 'super-mario-maker-client';

The logIn function accepts two arguments:

  • config: A configuration object with the following properties:
    • password: Your Nintendo Network password
    • username: Your Nintendo Network ID
  • callbackFunction: A function that accepts two arguments:
    • error: Either an Error instance or null
    • superMarioMakerClient: Either a Super Mario Maker Client instance or undefined if an error occurred

Once you have an instance of Super Mario Maker Client, you may call methods such as fetchCourse, bookmarkCourse, unbookmarkCourse, or logOut.

The fetchCourse method works exactly the same as the fetchCourse function described above.

The bookmarkCourse method accepts two arguments:

  • config: A configuration object with the following properties:
    • courseId: The course id to bookmark
    • csrfToken: The CSRF token assigned to the course
  • callbackFunction: A function that accepts one argument:
    • error: Either an Error instance or null

The unbookmarkCourse method accepts two arguments: * config: A configuration object with the following properties: * courseId: The course id to unbookmark * csrfToken: The CSRF token assigned to the course * callbackFunction: A function that accepts one argument: * error: Either an Error instance or null

The logOut method immediately destroys the client's session state. The session may remain active on the server for some time. There are no arguments.

    password: 'nintendoNetworkPassword',
    username: 'nintendoNetworkId'
}, (error, superMarioMakerClient) => {
    if (error) {
        // handle error

    superMarioMakerClient.fetchCourse(courseId, (error, course) => {
        if (error) {
            // handle error

        superMarioMakerClient.bookmarkCourse(course, error => {
            if (error) {
                // handle error


Note: Super Mario Maker Client is restricted to sending one request at a time. Calling the bookmarkCourse, fetchCourse, logIn, or unbookmarkCourse methods many times at once will cause the requests to be queued up.

Advanced Usage

If needed, you can create an instance of Super Mario Maker Client directly. Begin by importing SuperMarioMakerClient:

import SuperMarioMakerClient from 'super-mario-maker-client';

It will work the same either way if SuperMarioMakerClient is called as a constructor function with the new keyword or as a factory function without the new keyword. The function accepts on optional configuration object as the only argument with the following optional properties:

  • csrfTokenHeaderName: Defaults to X-CSRF-Token
  • gameStyles: Defaults to { sb: 'superMarioBros', sb3: 'superMarioBros3', sbu: 'newSuperMarioBrosU', sw: 'superMarioWorld' }
  • lang: Defaults to en-US
  • sessionCookieName: Defaults to _supermariomakerbookmark_session
  • superMarioMakerAuthUrl: Defaults to
  • superMarioMakerBookmarkUrl: Defaults to

Note: Changing these configurations is not recommended.

Once an instance is created, the bookmarkCourse, fetchCourse, logIn, logOut, and unbookmarkCourse methods will work as described above with one exception: The logIn method will not return the instance to the callback function. There is also a read-only Boolean property isLoggedIn.


The master branch will always point to the current stable release. Every release will be tagged by version. The develop branch will contain all new commits between releases. Pull requests should be based from and sent to the develop branch.

Note: Due to an npm issue (npm/npm#10074), the in-publish module is required to prevent npm from doing unnecessary work when running npm install locally for this package. This causes npm to always log errors and return a failure status when running npm install locally, even though the install process probably completed without error.

Several extra npm scripts are set up for convenience:

  • npm run build: generate the lib directory
  • npm run doc: generate the doc directory
  • npm run lint: run eslint on the source code and tests

Running unit tests requires three environment variables to be set:

COURSE_ID=0000-0000-0000-0000 PASSWORD=nintendoNetworkPassword USERNAME=nintendoNetworkId npm test --coverage


Copyright (c) 2015 Steven Olmsted

This software is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the authors or contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter and distribute it freely in any form, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

  2. Altered source versions may not be misrepresented as being the original software, and neither the name of Steven Olmsted nor the names of authors or contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

  3. This notice must be included, unaltered, with any source distribution.


A client for fetching and bookmarking Super Mario Maker courses.







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