This C++ program simulates the process of creating data packets (frames) for transmission. It uses bit stuffing (padding the string with $
characters) to ensure the string length is divisible by the frame size, and it calculates the checksum for each frame.
The frame
structure defines the components of each packet:
- no: Frame number
- len: Frame size (fixed at 8 bytes)
- des: Destination address
- source: Source address
- data: The actual data being sent (maximum 8 characters)
- checksum: A simple checksum calculated by summing the ASCII values of the data characters.
typedef struct frame {
int no; // Frame number
int len; // Frame size (8 bytes)
char des; // Destination address
char source; // Source address
char data[9]; // Data to be sent (up to 8 characters + null terminator)
int checksum; // Checksum of the data
} F;