A first attempt at network sound.
Must run in ruby 2.0.
rvm install ruby-2.0
Clone repository, cd into project and
Install socat:
brew install socat
on OSX, install FluidSynth via homebrew:
brew install fluidsynth
Then run it from the project directory using the script:
This should start fluidsynth with the soundfonts loaded.
The Midikeys utility is handy for testing that things are working, you should see fluidsynth as an output and hear audio when playing.
Make sure you IAC driver is online (in the Audio Midi Setup application):
Install Midi Patchbay. Then set up a patch that connects the OSX IAC driver to FludSynth:
Now, try to make some noise:
socat -t 0 - UDP4-RECV:51414,crlf |./netaudio
- deal with slowness of ruby and stdin. threading is not as nice as I had hoped.
- handle tcpdump messages better (more kinds, identify ssh etc)
- consider another way to get traffic other than tcpdump
- investigate new soundfonts, or make a custom one
- include some kind of visualization while things are working
- consider moving this to golang