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Structure variants calling and genotyping scripts for pan-Zea


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Structure variants calling and genotyping scripts for pan-Zea.

The general pipelines were graphically illustrated as:


See more details in the pan-Zea genome research article.


Runtime environment:

  • Linux, tested with v3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)
  • Rscript, tested with v3.6.0
  • perl 5, tested with v5.30.1



Code_Dir Description
Call-Asm-Assemblytics/ custom scripts in Assemblytics based SV calling
Call-Asm-NRINS/ custom scripts in parsing NR-INSs from pan-Zea_construct NR-SEQs
Call-WGS-delly/ custom scripts in dealing with delly SV calls
Call-WGS-gridss/ custom scripts in dealing with gridss SV calls
Call-WGS-manta/ custom scripts in dealing with manta sv calls
Call-ZZ-merge/ custom scripts to merge all callers' results
Genotyping/ custom scripts in additional genotyping and merging results from all genotypers


  1. This repository did not contain the executables of each caller and the detail parameters used in each caller (which were already documented in the related research article)

  2. Some custom scripts assumed the correct name format to parse the information, so we do not guarantee a bug-free running of these scripts on other projects.

Assembly‐based SV calling


  • Call-Asm-Assemblytics/Assemblytics-mdf: modified Assemblytics main script to expand the maximum size of SV to 1Mb. To make it work, just replace the Assemblytics script of the original Assemblytics repository with this script.

  • Call-Asm-Assemblytics/ given a WGA result between the query and ref genome in paf.gz format, output a VCF file of SVs. A wrapper of Assemblytics --> SURVIVOR

    run modified assemblytics and SURVIVOR
        Assemblytics: modified version that support SVs up to 1Mb
        bash $(basename $0) <pre> <paf.gz>
        pre: the output prefix, usually be the name of the individual
        paf.gz: path to the WGA result between the query genome and the ref genome, in paf format
        Before running, make sure the "assemblytics_dir" in line 5 of this script was correctly set to the right path of your local Assemblytics installation
  • Call-Asm-Assemblytics/ convert paf format to delta format, forked from

  • Call-Asm-Assemblytics/ format vcf output of Call-Asm-Assemblytics/

    A script for formatting asmSV.vcf IDs
        $0 <input.vcf (result from>
    Parse input names to get [SP]:
        input names should be in format of "[SP]_asmSV_XXXX.vcf"
  • Call-Asm-Assemblytics/ get the sequences of ref and alt allele of Assemblytics outputs

    A script for getting the exact seq from Assemblytics results
        $0 [options below]
        1. ABS_PATH of vcf file of the Assemblytics results,named:
        (converted by SURVIVOR and reformated by local script)
        1. ABS_PATH of Raw Assemblytics results dir
        2. ABS_PATH of REF_fasta
        3. ABS_PATH of Query_fasta

NR-INS from pan-Zea_construct

  • Call-Asm-NRINS/ filter NR-SEQ records to get NR-INSs

    Filter NRINS VCFs and get sequence:
        Keep only both end anchored to same chr records.
        Filter out ref or query region > 1 Mb.
        bash $(basename $0) <NRINS.vcf> <Ref_seq.fa> <Query_seq.fa> <prefix>
  • Call-Asm-NRINS/ Merge allNRINS vcfs using SURVIVOR with breakpoints interval cutoff of 200 bp and minimum SV len of 50 bp, then filter out records that had less than 3 population level supports

  • Call-Asm-NRINS/ Filter merged SURVIVOR VCF by population level supports

    Filter survivor merge vcf files by support samples
    USAGE: <survivor_merge.vcf> <supp cut-off> <Prefix>
        Prefix: for non-sample out vcfs, usually use Method, 
        eg: Manta

Read‐Pairs‐based SV calling


  • Call-WGS-delly/ script to generate PBS jobs for delly raw SV calling of each individual

  • Call-WGS-delly/ PBS job of merging all delly calls

  • Call-WGS-delly/ script to generate PBS jobs for delly SV genotyping of each individual based on merged delly calls

  • Call-WGS-delly/ PBS job of filtering population level delly genotyping result


  • Call-WGS-gridss/gst_gridss_anno_filt_bed.R: filtering the raw gridss vcf output for each individual, by keeping only simple (INS, INV, DEL, DUP) records that with quality tag "PASS". Modified from the official gridss simple-event-annotation.R.

  • Call-WGS-gridss/ get ref alt sequences from Gridss simple SV outputs and Gridss raw SV outputs


manta call flowchart:

s=>start: Each bam
A=>operation: Raw call
B=>operation: Filter and Get allele
con=>condition: Seq-aware ?
C=>operation: Seq-aware SVs
D=>operation: Other SVs
E=>operation: Norm allele
F=>operation: Combine and format
G=>operation: Merge and Pop-filter
H=>operation: get raw manta geno
e=>end: Final Manta SV matrix

  • Call-WGS-manta/ script to generate the PBS jobs for each individual's manta raw SV calling.

  • Call-WGS-manta/ script to generate the PBS jobs to filter the raw calls and get the sequence-aware records of each individual's manta raw SV calls. Bayestyper should be installed and assigned to $PATH to make this script work.

  • Call-WGS-manta/ script to generate the PBS jobs for normalizing the sequence-aware SVs with bcftools.

  • Call-WGS-manta/ combine sequence-aware calls with the other manta SV calls, remove duplications and reformat names.

    combine raw manta with convert allele out, rmdup and rename 
    Dependency: csvtk bcftools
    USAGE: <raw_manta.vcf> <convert_allele.vcf.gz> <cpus>
  • Call-WGS-manta/ script to replace the SURVIVOR genotypes with the raw manta genotypes for that item.

    Convert Genotype in SURVIVOR merged manta result back into there raw genotype format
    Dependence: csvtk parallel
        bash $(basename $0) <survivor_merged_vcf> <raw_each_sample_vcf_list> <output> <threads>
    list format:
        <sample_ID>   <File_Path>

Merge Callers

The SV calls of each caller were merged if they were the same SV type and their breakpoints were within 200 bp using SURVIVOR version 1.0.6.

The representations of the merged calls were set using the Genotyping/ZZ_Merge-all/

    bash <input: 00_Merge_all.vcf>
A script to get represent record for Merged All SV for PANZ
rename the SV, get represent ref-alt seq, and generate these

Record Keep Priority:
    1BSpSV > 2AsmREF > 3AsmAMP > 4NRINS > 5Gridss > 6Manta > 7Delly
Rename rules:

Note: input vcf should been merged according to the priority order above.
(The script parsed the SUPP_VEC=010101 information without checking the order.)

Additional genotyping


Genotyping/SVTyper/ script to batch generate the LSF jobs of SVTyper genotyping of the merged SVs for each individual.

The genotyped vcf outputs were joined using bcftools merge with default options.


  • Genotyping/Bayestyper/ script to randomly select ~1 million (1/10 of the total SNPs and INDELs) SNP and INDELs for SV genotyping.

  • Genotyping/Bayestyper/ a wrapper of Bayestyper genotyping pipeline.

    Run bayestyper cluster and genotype
        bash [OPTIONs]
        1. simple_ist
        2. vcf_file
        3. ref_fasta
        4. decoy_fasta
        5. threads

Merge all genotype results

Genotyping/ZZ_Merge-all/ script to merge all the genotype evidences to get the consistent genotype matrix

Merging all SV geno evidences to get final genotype
    bash [OPTIONS]

OPTIONS: ([R]:required  [O]:optional)
    -h, --help                show help and exit.
    -v, --vcf        <str>    [R]   Raw SV records vcf file
    -l, --list       <str>    [R]   List of sample ID name map, will use the name and the order of this file 
                                    to generate the final result, so make sure the sample names are unique.
                                        Format (Tab-sep-table):
                                            <ID>    <Sample Name>
                                            Q417    SK
                                            Q441    B73
    --genorate       <0-1>    [O]   Genotype rate cutoff for filtering (Default: 0.1)
    --maf            <0-1>    [O]   Minus allel frequence cutoff for filtering (Default: 0.01)
    -b, --bayestyper <str>    [R]   bayestyper genotype matrix
    -d, --delly      <str>    [R]   delly genotype matrix
    -s, --svtyper    <str>    [R]   svtyper genotype matrix
    -m, --manta      <str>    [R]   manta genotype matrix
    -a, --asmsv      <str>    [R]   AsmSV genotype matrix
    -g, --gridss     <str>    [R]   Gridss genotype matrix
    -n, --nrins      <str>    [R]   NR-INS genotype matrix
    -o, --output     <str>    [O]   Output file name (default: 00_PANZ_merged_geno.matrix)
    -t, --threads    <num>    [O]   set threads (default 2)
    -w, --weight     <str>    [O]   comma seperated integer weight value for setting the genotypes, format:
                                    (Default: \"2,1,1,1\")
    -c, --cutoff     <0-1>    [O]   Cut-off value to set final genotype (Default 0.5)


If you use this pipeline in your work, or you would like to know more details, please refer to:

Gui, S., Wei, W., Jiang, C. et al. A pan-Zea genome map for enhancing maize improvement. Genome Biol 23, 178 (2022).


Structure variants calling and genotyping scripts for pan-Zea








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