Implements draft-ietf-core-coap-18 (Proposed Standard)
Californium is a Java CoAP implementation for IoT Cloud services. Thus, the focus is on scalability and usability instead of resource-efficiency like for embedded devices.
Use mvn clean install
in the Cf root directory to build everything.
Standalone JARs of the examples will be copied to ./run/.
(For convenience they are directly included in the Git repository.)
The Maven repositories are:
Just add the following items to your pom.xml:
The project also includes the project files for Eclipse. Make sure to have the following before importing the Californium (Cf) projects:
- Eclipse EGit
- m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
- UTF-8 workspace text file encoding (Preferences » General » Workspace)
Then choose [Import... » Git » Projects from Git » Local] to import Californium into Eclipse.
In case you are using plain Eclipse projects without Maven, you also need to clone and import the element-connector. Add this project to Properties » Java Build Path » Projects.
A test server is running at coap:// The root resource responds with its current version. More information can be found at
Another interop server with a different implementation can be found at coap:// More information can be found at