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frostworx edited this page Nov 20, 2021 · 5 revisions

UniversalUE4Unlocker is a mighty tool, which also (re-)enables the dev console in UE4 games (not limited to the compatibility list) and provides a nice configuration gui for changing/manipulation UE4 internal settings.

The gui requires DotNet, so isn't used currently - maybe later.

The tool ships a UniversalUE4Unlocker.dll though, which can be automatically injected per game via steamtinkerlaunch using IGCSInjector by simply enabling UUUSEIGCS in Game Menu (this automatically enables USEIGCS)

⚠️ As UniversalUE4Unlocker doesn't allow direct downloads, the file needs to be manually downloaded from the project page and extracted to $STLDLDIR/uuu (usually ~/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/downloads/uuu/)

When a game ist started with enabled UUUSEIGCS and the UniversalUE4Unlocker.dll is missing, a requester is opened where the project page can be copy/pasted into a browser and the destination directory $STLDLDIR/uuu can be opened via xdg-open. When done, click OK and the regular function will continue using the files.

For a list of possible options and tweaks, please check the project page directly.

By using the UniversalUE4Unlocker in combination with IGCSInjector it is possible to inject VR compatibility for several regular UE4 games!

steamtinkerlaunch offers to prepare and execute an UE4 patch script to auto-apply UE4 console commands inside a UE4 console script into a game. This can be enabled with the UUUSEPATCH checkbox in Game Menu

UE4 console script

A simple text file with several UE4 console commands. steamtinkerlaunch uses the scriptname steamtinkerlaunch-uuu-patch for its auto functions.

UE4 regularly expects the script in the *$GAMEEXENAME/Binaries/* subdirectory of the game. Depending on the resonance it might be possible to add a little console management to steamtinkerlaunch to automatically copy a selected script into the game dir. (VR specific patches are sourced differently - see UE4-VR-console-script)

When found, the source file will be copied automatically to make it available. For easy editing it is listed automatically in the Editor Menu when available.

UE4 patch script

A simple temporary bash script using xdotool, which, when enabled (via UUUSEPATCH) is autogenerated in UUUPATCHCOMMAND ("/dev/shm/steamtinkerlaunch/") and automatically started. When the additional variable UUUPATCHWAIT is set to 0, the patch script will be placed behind the "Launch custom script" Tray-Icon entry, so it can be launched manually any time while in game. If UUUPATCHWAIT is bigger, it will be executed automatically after another UUUPATCHWAIT seconds after the game started and also be placed as 'Launch custom script' TrayIcon script, if the script does not exist yet or already is a VR patch command. The script is only executed, when the game window id was detected successfully.

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