Lua client for supercollider scsynth and supernova. Pure lua implementation based on standard portable modules: lualanes, wxlua, luasocket, plus some custom modules: osclua, pmidi, random.
------Lua learning resources--------
- (Lua specification)
- (Online book for Lua 5.0, but great Lua introduction)
- (LuaJIT additions to Lua 5.1 as ffi.)
- If you dont have more than 15 minutes
------Lua2SC learning resources---------
- The pieces and other examples I will be uploading.
- Ctrl+I will find the source of most keywords (those in pale blue color in the IDE)
- I am open to any questions posted as issues in Lua2SC repository.
------Ubuntu Studio building requirements ---------
All of them can be installed with sudo apt install
- cmake (should be >= 3.13)
- libasound2-dev
and for wx module
- libgtk2.0-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- freeglut3-dev
from build directory:
- set LUAJIT_BIN to the desired installation absolute location in init_cmake.bat (.sh)
- add -DBUILD_WXLUA=ON in init_cmake.bat if you wish to also build wx module.
- run init_cmake.bat (or copy to
- make (without install)
- make install
you will get Lua2SC installed directory where you pointed LUAJIT_BIN to.
this directory can be copied anywhere.
-------------Including Supercollider
- To use an already existing Supercollider installation, you should set the relevant paths in Debug/Settings
- Another option is to copy Supercollider inside Lua2SC folder, a synthdefs folder can be created inside Supercollider
- After adding new UGens to the installation you should execute lua2SC/genugens/genugens.bat to get the Lua definitions.
- To generate html docs you should execute lua2SC/renderSChelp/buildhelp.bat (.sh)
--------------To first try---------------------
run: Lua2SC.bat or
- set Debug/settings
- Supercollider/BootSC (wait until booted)
- open simple_theme (or any other) in lua2SC\examples\
- Debug/run (F6)
- Debug/Cancel run (F5)
------------Using lillypond--------------------
- Find location of lilypond executable in Debug->Settings
- Set as first line in script: LILY = require"sc.lilypond"
- Set as last line in script: LILY:Gen(initial beat,last beat)
- Run as plain lua script with F7
------------Using Non real time---------------
- Set as first line in script: NRT = require"sc.nrt":Gen(number of beats to render)
- Run script with Run Lua2SC (F6)