Version 0.14.0 Release
NNabla NAS version 0.14.0
We are delighted to announce the release NNabla NAS, the Neural Architecture Search framework for NNabla.
We hope that this new member of the NNabla ecosystem will help you to design and develop
Neural Networks for you applications and products in an easy and efficient way.
We are actively developing NNabla NAS, improving its usability, adding latest research methods and expanding its range of applications.
To improve NNabla NAS, we welcome your feedback and on your contributions to the project.
- Fix wrong path to working directory when saving and loading files
- Remove the duplicate processes of saving learned weights in OFA searcher
- Fix KeyError: 'comm'.
- [OFA] Add loss_weights arg in configs
- Fix OFA valid/test
- Fix imagenet datapath
- Fix wrong working directory for OFAResnet50 and OFAXception search spaces
Key Features
Search Space
- Flexible way to define search spaces
- Efficient sampling of architectures from search space (fast)
- Predefined top level modules to define candidate architectures (e.g. inverted residual blocks, drop path, dilated depthwise separable, factorized reduction layer, etc.)
Search Algorithms
- Searcher algorithms to learn the architecture and model parameters (e.g., DartsSearcher and ProxylessNasSearcher)
Hardware constraint
A key feature of NNabla NAS is the ability to search architectures with hardware constraint.
- Can be used to enforce hardware constraints (e.g. LatencyEstimator and MemoryEstimator)
- NNabla NAS implements online latency profilers for CPU and GPU and offline profiling for other devices (getting latency from look-up table)
Other Features
- Logging and visualization based on the tensorboard (
- Graph visualization of networks and search spaces
- Multi-GPU Support
- Image Augmentation with NVIDIA DALI (
Quick Start
First you need to install NNabla with the configuration that suit your environment. Follow the instruction from . E.g, if you have cuda 11.0:
pip install -U nnabla-ext-cuda110
If you want to use dataloader.imagenet you have to install nvidia-dali
pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-dali-cuda110
You need to install graphviz to visualize NAS results.
apt install graphviz
To install NNabla NAS, simply run the following pip install in an environment with python >= 3.7
pip install -U nnabla-nas