This small tool rotates RC servos (using the ServoBlaster driver) constantly to predetermined positions and takes pictures with the camera board (using the raspistill tool) that is assumed to be attached to the servos. The latest pictures are stored in a ramdisk to reduce SD card wear.
The Pi just serves the most current images, and it's accessed via a proxy in another server. The other server also periodically pulls the pics and archives them. I'm using lighttpd on the Pi.
This is used in the guild room of Aalto university's guild of automation and systems technology. See also my blog post (in Finnish).
Make sure the image directory exists, and publish it:
sudo www/ ln -s `pwd`/www/cam /var/www/
Don't forget to remount after boot (if you ever do that). A line in fstab is fine too. Also, /run seems to be a tmpfs on RPi, so you could use that instead.
Rotate the servos manually while watching the jpg file change in a browser, and record the positions you want to use:
sh www/ & servoctl/ kill %1 $EDITOR servoctl/
Finally, run the script to check that it's working:
It's not a daemon process, but you can leave it running in screen or use nohup:
nohup servoctl/ > /dev/null &
A lot.