This project represents a site that allows users to peruse a list of 50 delicious recipes, as well as search through the larger list to find recipes based off of tags or for specific recipe names.
You will need two separate directories - one for the front end and one to emulate the back end / server:
Clone down the frontend repo found at:
Clone down the backend repo found at: -
Install dependencies by using ‘npm install’ in your terminal within each directory. It is helpful in your terminal to create a second tab (with command + t on macs) in which to run the backend server.
To start backend server, within its directory run 'npm start'.
To host the front-end website on your local machine, run ’npm start’ in terminal.
Navigate to ‘http://localhost:8080/' in your browser.
To run the test suite associated with the classes behind the scenes and how they interact: Run 'npm test' from the terminal while within the main directory of the application (Whats Cookin).
If you encounter errors when trying to host the site with webpack: Remember to use ‘npm install’ before trying to host the server on your local machine!
This project was assigned in module 2 for the Frontend Program, this work was completed between the 3rd and the 28th of February.
Sophie LaBelle
Winston Calhoun
Bea Ordonez
Shane Misra
- Implement ES6 classes that communicate to each other as needed
- Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation
- Create a user interface that is easy to use and clearly displays information.
- Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
- Implement a robust testing suite using TDD
- Make network requests to retrieve data