Releases: sosauce/CuteMusic
Version 2.5.1
- (#74,#75) Fixed crash that could happen with multi lines lyrics !
- Optimized Material Art and improved color accuracy ! (that's pretty subjective to be fair)
- NowPlaying screen V2 is avalaible to test by enabling it in the settings ! Depending on feedback, it might become permanent and replace the current screen !
Thanks for using CuteMusic ❤️!!!
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
Version 2.5.0
If you like cats, then this update if for mewou ! ᓚᘏᗢ
- Top Bars BE GONE! They are replaced with a less intrusive action button at the bottom of the screen to follow the CuteApps design, providing more screen real estate :D
- Various UI enhancements, notably in landscape mode!
- Made some improvements to playlist creation/edit dialogs (reduced time for the emoji picker to open, maybe?)!
- A lot of code cleanup and optimisations, which may have fixed some niche bugs and misbehaviours!
- (#72) Added support for voice actions with Google Assistant!
- (#70) The metadata editor now displays the file name!
- (#67, #73, #37) Fixed lyrics altogether! They now follow this order of priority: the app first checks for a .lrc file (as they are the most accurate). If none are found, it tries to load embedded lyrics if they exist. The app should no longer display incorrect lyrics! Added support for synced embedded lyrics and a button to search for lyrics when none are found!
(#47) The app will now remember loop and shuffle values!
(#61) Fixed incorrect album playback order! The app should now correctly finish when reaching the end!
Thanks for using CuteMusic ❤️!!!
What's Changed
- Fix Fastlane directory structure by @leoheitmannruiz in #71
New Contributors
- @leoheitmannruiz made their first contribution in #71
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.5.0
Version 2.4.1
Nothing new, just some preparation for F-Droid ! (and a chinese translation update, see below)
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1
Version 2.4.0
Hello back, everyone, hello 2025 !!!
- Added playlists support 🥳 !!! (can have a name and an emoji) Known issue with playlists : Emoji picker takes forever to popup
- Added Material art: App's theme changes based on currently playing song's art (NOTE: This feature relies on the Palette API, which hasn't been updated since 2018, so it may not be very fast nor accurate)
- Added option to hide shuffle button !
- Folder screen BE GONE ! The main screen now offers an option to group music by their folder
- Removed ability to show/hide tabs
- Started to add everything necessary to add app to F-droid
Thanks for using CuteMusic ❤️!!!
What's Changed
- Changes for the future inclusion of CuteMusic in F-Droid by @nubesurrealista in #64
- Update short_description.txt by @nubesurrealista in #66
- Update full_description.txt by @nubesurrealista in #65
Full Changelog: v2.3.4...v2.4.0
Version 2.3.4
- Added shortcut to open equalizer app in the 3 dots menu on the now playing screen !
- Minor changes to folders related UI !
- No need to restart app to be able to play newly added songs ! (+ deleted songs will be rempved from player)
- (#59) album's songs will now sort songs by track number first !
- App will now come with separated APKs for each ABIs ! (arm8, arm7 and universal) If your not sure which to install, install the universal one !
- Below translations changes !
And voilà, this wraps up my last commit of 2024, my first year as a developer, thank you to everybody who ever tried out my apps and supports me, what an amazing year I had 🫡🥲 . See you next year and happy christmas !
And as always, thanks for using CuteMusic ❤️!!!
What's Changed
- New string by @nubesurrealista in #57
Full Changelog: v2.3.3...v2.3.4
Version 2.3.3
Nothing new, just fixed irreproducible build ! (#54) and below translations changes !
What's Changed
- Strings hot fix! by @nubesurrealista in #55
- Add Chinese-Simplified translation and fix compile error by @WeiguangTWK in #56
New Contributors
- @WeiguangTWK made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.3.3
Version 2.3.2
- Removed support for chromeOS (reduces app size for now)
- Added sleep timer !
- English strings are now Sentence case instead of Title Case (to comply with Material 3 guidelines) !
- Removed ability to restart app!
- (#51) Fixed top search result not being visisble when keyboard is active !
- (#48) Fixed not being able to play musics from folder tab !
What's Changed
- New Cute Translation! by @nubesurrealista in #52
- Tiny fixes for Spanish translation by @nubesurrealista in #53
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2
Version 2.3.1
- Metadata editor is back and IT WORKS ! and with it, image editing is also available 🥳
Sorry for the larger apk size, I think it's the new library I used for metadata editing, I'll see how to go back to a normal size 😓
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
Version 2.3.0
- Splashscreen colors will now adapt to your wallpaper's color ! (Android 12+)
- App icon is now rounded ! (Matches the overall theme of the app)
- (#48) Added folder view !
- Added option to hide any tab you want !
- Icons accompanied by text are now changed to rounded outlined icons! (For a cleaner look)
- (#49)Albums and artists contained in blacklisted folders will now be hidden too!
- Fixed search bar still showing music info and controls after stopping playback !
- Temporarily disabled metadata editing, as it needs to be rewritten!
Thanks for using CuteMusic ❤️!!!
Full Changelog: v2.2.5...v2.3.0
Version 2.2.5
- (#49) Music contained in blacklisted folders will now be properly ignored from tracks, albums, artists and the player itself !
If you are facing issues after updating, please un-blacklist every folder then re-blacklist them !
Full Changelog: v2.2.4...v2.2.5