A simple access to the verification code countdown button
Start countdown.
@param time Countdown time seconds.
@param normalTitle Normal title.
@param timeUnit Countdown time unit.
@param normalColor Normal background color.
@param inColor Countdown background color.
@param animated Whether there is animation effect.
- (void)beginCountdownWithTime:(NSInteger)time
normalTitle:(NSString *)normalTitle
timeUnit:(NSString *)timeUnit
normalColor:(UIColor *)normalColor
inColor:(UIColor *)inColor
- (IBAction)ssnCountDownButtonTest:(id)sender {
[(SSNCountdownButton *)sender beginCountdownWithTime:5 normalTitle:@"请输入验证码" timeUnit:@"s" normalColor:[UIColor redColor] inColor:[UIColor yellowColor] animated:YES];
- Download all the files in the SSNCountdownButton subdirectory.
- Add the source files to your Xcode project.
- Import SSNCountdownButton.h.
- SSNCountdownButton is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
Start countdown.
@param time 倒计时时间.
@param normalTitle 非倒计时的标题.
@param timeUnit 倒计时单位.
@param normalColor 非倒计时的背景颜色.
@param inColor 倒计时背景颜色.
@param animated 是否有动画效果.
- (void)beginCountdownWithTime:(NSInteger)time
normalTitle:(NSString *)normalTitle
timeUnit:(NSString *)timeUnit
normalColor:(UIColor *)normalColor
inColor:(UIColor *)inColor
- (IBAction)ssnCountDownButtonTest:(id)sender {
[(SSNCountdownButton *)sender beginCountdownWithTime:5 normalTitle:@"请输入验证码" timeUnit:@"s" normalColor:[UIColor redColor] inColor:[UIColor yellowColor] animated:YES];
- 下载 SSNCountdownButton 文件夹内的所有内容。
- 将 SSNCountdownButton 内的源文件添加(拖放)到你的工程。
- 导入 SSNCountdownButton.h。
- SSNCountdownButton 使用 MIT 许可证,详情见 LICENSE 文件。