Blazor interop for the browser's console APIs.
It is a very simple ILogger implementation tied with a custom configuration source to allow the minimum LogLevel to be changed at runtime.
- version 0.7.2
- fix for the parent scope management. NOT suitable for parallel job executions
- version 0.7.1
- workaround for the group scopes chain across async requests. NOT suitable for parallel job executions
- version 0.7.0
- updated to Blazor v0.7.0
- ILogLevelManager renamed to ILogManager (breaking change)
- ILogManager exposes an event with the logged message (useful on mobile when the console is not available)
- version 0.6.1
- ability to map ILogger scopes to console's groups: a log message will be added to the last group scope created regardles of the thread context. MUST investigate a solution for handling parallel jobs
The AddBlazorLogger extension method allows the logger to be added to the dependency injection system specifying the minimum log level to be shown in the browser console.
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var serviceProvider = new BrowserServiceProvider(services =>
services.AddBlazorLogger(() =>
return new BrowserUriHelper().GetBaseUri().StartsWith("http://localhost")
? LogLevel.Debug
: LogLevel.Warning;
new BrowserRenderer(serviceProvider).AddComponent<App>("app");
@inject ILogger<Index> logger
@functions {
protected override void OnInit()
The following snippet shows how to control the log level with a select box:
@inject ILogManager manager
<select bind="manager.CurrentLevelName">
@foreach (var level in manager.ValidLogLevels)
<option value=@level>@level</option>