Use this application to configure a FAPI-compliant flow. The application is built with Node.js and uses openid-client. All UI assets can be found under views and public. All views are written using vanilla HTML and JS and templated using Handlebars.
The demo uses a resource API hosted behind AWS API Gateway. The lambdas and contract details will be added in a future iteration of this document.
In this app, you can do the following -
- Authenticate the client using either
- Viewing the authenticated user's profile by unpacking the id_token
- Viewing the introspection payload
You can run this in multiple modes, where you vary the client authentication options and choose to enable certificate bound access tokens.
- Install Node and Git on your machine
- Clone this repo to your machine
- IBM Security Verify tenant
This guide will provide a prescriptive configuration but you can vary this:
used- Certificate bound access tokens disabled
NOTE: You need a custom domain on your Verify tenant that is configured with the CA bundle provided by your PKI that would issue the client certificate. Given this isn't available for trial tenants, the instructions here disable this option. However, if you do have a custom domain available and configured, enable this option.
Login to the Verify admin console
Go to "Data privacy & consent" > "Data purposes"
Click "Create purpose"
Follow the wizard and enter the following:
- Purpose name: Open Banking payment
- Purpose ID: payment_initiation
- Add access type
. This is an out of the box access type. - Add user attribute
and choose the access type asdefault
- Set the consent expiration to any value of your choice
Once created, the summary view would look as below.
Login to the Verify admin console
Go to Applications > Applications in the navigation panel and click on "Add Application"
Search for "OpenID Connect for Open Banking" and choose the connector. Click "Add Application"
Enter the general information and switch to the "Sign On" tab
Choose the following:
Authorization code
grant type allowedprivate_key_jwt
client authentication method- Enforce pushed authorization request
- Enable "certificate bound access token" if you have a certificate. If you don't, do not enable this
- Choose "PS256" as the signature algorithm
Under Endpoint Configuration, click on the edit icon next to "Authorize". Choose "Edit" next to "Open Banking Intent ID" and copy/paste the following code snippet.
statements: - if: match: "!has(requestContext.claims_idtoken_openbanking_intent_id)" return: null - context: "intentID := requestContext.getValue('claims_idtoken_openbanking_intent_id')" - context: 'intentContext := hc.getAsJSON("" + context.intentID, { "Authorization": "apikey supersecretapikey" })' - return: >- { "type": context.intentContext.type, "intentID": context.intentID, "currency": context.intentContext.instructedAmount.currency, "amount": context.intentContext.instructedAmount.amount, "trx_name": context.intentContext.creditorName, "claims": { "openbanking_intent_id": context.intentID, "trx_name_claim": "Transaction name" } }
Choose the identity sources and access policy, as desired.
Select "Ask for consent" for User Consent
Save and set "Automatic access for all users and groups" under the Entitlements tab
Switch to the Privacy tab and add
Open Banking payment
from the list of purposes allowed for the application. -
Switch to API access tab and add a new API client (you may name it anything you like). Either uncheck "Restrict custom scopes" or add
to the allowed scopes. These client credentials are designatedAPI_CLIENT_ID
. -
Generate a jwks containing the private key and obtain a public cert. Upload the public cert into "Security" > "Certificates" under "Signer certificates"
- You can use a tool like mkjwk for the purposes to testing this app. Use
as the algorithm. Copy the public and private keypair into the app's config directory -config/jwks.json
. Download the self-signed certificate as a PEM file and upload it to Verify as described.
- You can use a tool like mkjwk for the purposes to testing this app. Use
file to.env
and populate the values as belowTENANT_URL
: Set your Verify tenant URL hostname here. If you are using a custom domain, use that hostname. An example of this value
: Set the Open ID Connect discovery (well-known) endpoint here. This would follow the patternhttps://yourtenant/oauth2/.well-known/openid-configuration
: The OIDC client ID generated in the Sign On tab of the applicationCLIENT_SECRET
: The OIDC client secret generated in the Sign On tab of the applicationSCOPE
: If you aren't sure what to set here, just set this asopenid profile
: Set this tojwt
: Set this to true if you have a custom domain configured to perform mTLS and have an issued client certificate that you can use with this applicationAPI_CLIENT_ID
: The OAuth client ID generated for the API client under the application's API Access tabAPI_CLIENT_SECRET
: The OAuth client secret generated for the API client under the application's API Access tabRESOURCE_BASE_URL
: Leave this unchanged
If you have a client certificate issued by the PKI whose bundle has been added to IBM Security Verify, add the public key under
and the private key underconfig/key.pem
Install node dependencies
npm install
Run the application. You should see
Server started and listening on port 3000
after executing the command below.npm start
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000 and you should be able to use the application. Click Login and away you go.