A simple API Gateway Lambda authorizer written in Go.
To build the Lambda functions, you can run the Python script:
python3 scripts/build.py
To deploy all the tofu
resources, you can use the build command first, and then run the tofu apply
This step does require an S3 bucket as the tofu
backend, so make sure to change the value in infrastructure/main.tf
and manually create the bucket in your account.
python3 scripts/build.py
tofu -chdir=infrastructure apply -auto-approve
OR you can use the just
just deploy
The project contains a login route (which is public), and a protected route (only accessible with an authorization header).
curl -X POST https://<api-id>.execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com/login -d '{"username": "user1"}' | jq .token
Use the token returned by /login
to access the protected route:
curl -X GET https://<api-id>.execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com/data -H "Authorization:<token>"