I initially created the code and trained it on Colab, but ran into multiple failures. After going through six Google accounts and 18 hours of training (since each account allowed me 3 hours of time), I finally succeeded. I downloaded the trained files like gpt_epoch_2.pth.
After uploading everything to Hugging Face, it took a couple of tries, but it eventually worked. Although it seems straightforward, it was quite a challenge.
In the end, it was a fun learning experience. My original repository for the LLM was modified after renaming some files, so I created a new one. You can check it out here: Link. I couldn't upload the .pth files to the trained_model folder since they were too large.
Thanks for reading!
read this also
to use this use gogle colab also not a file for building the model it is a code to train and get the weights and vocab files