In this project, I used my Portfolio web application as a webpage and then I create a dockerfile to build the docker images. These are the step you need to flow to do so
Make a web page you can make it by yourself or you can download it. Once you are ready with the web pages or website we can move to the next step
Make sure all the files and images are in one folder if any on your web page
Now Create a docker file with the name dockerfile
and make sure there is no .
extension like .txt
It has to be in the same folder where your webpage is there as shown in the below image
Now we will write Code for the dockerfile
FROM nginx:alpine
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
Just copy this code into your dockerfile
Now Open the terminal or CMD in that same location
docker build -t test:v1 .
Run this command to build the docker images.
is a flag that will give the image name
is an image name
is a tag of the image
Now the docker image is build you can see your image by running the command
docker images
Now let's run the image that we just created with a dockerfile which has your webpage init.
docker run -d -p 80:80 <image ID / image name>:tag
it means it will run detach mode. The docker cotainer runs in the background of your terminal.
it means we have to give the post to the host and container so the first 80 is for the host and the next 80 is for the docker container
Now if everything is working then you will be able to run your webpage.
Open the Browser of your choice then write localhost:80
in your browser address bar and press enter, WOW your website is running.