ttfautohint-build includes a simple, straightforward ttfautohint build from scratch approach on Linux and macOS platforms. FreeType and Harfbuzz build dependencies (at appropriate release versions) are included in the installation.
The build script is
(located in the root of the repository). This script is linted with shellcheck
& checkbashisms
and is tested for build execution completion on Ubuntu Linux and macOS v10.10-v10.15 using the Travis CI service.
Builds employ a simple make
workflow that does not require super user permissions.
If you are looking for a simple way to install + use ttfautohint and do not need to build the application from source, check out the free, open ttfautohint-py project.
- None
- macOS v10.11 and above
- XCode v7.3 and above
Select one of the following approaches to install the current release of ttfautohint
$ git clone
$ cd ttfautohint-build
$ make
$ curl -L -O
$ tar -xzvf v1.8.3.2.tar.gz
$ cd ttfautohint-build-
$ make
With both of the above approaches, the ttfautohint
executable is installed on the path $HOME/ttfautohint-build/local/bin/ttfautohint
You can use the following approaches to execute ttfautohint
with your font files:
# without shell script constant
"$HOME/ttfautohint-build/local/bin/ttfautohint" [ttfautohint args]
# with shell script constant
"$TTFAH" [ttfautohint args]
Modify the PATH definition in your shell settings file (e.g. .bashrc if you are using bash) with the following line after PATH is defined in the file:
export PATH="$HOME/ttfautohint-build/local/bin/:$PATH"
then, source your shell settings file on the command line with:
$ source [shell settings file path]
You can then use ttfautohint
on the command line as follows:
$ ttfautohint [ttfautohint args]
Please see the changelog in the project releases.